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Couldn't put this book down last night. So sad about Celia and the Benefit. Have to wonder about Mr Johnny. He was raised with the Jr Leaguers but chose to marry a trashy girl and is apparently deeply in love with her. Wonder why that is???

And OMG the pie, I never would've thought that is what Minny did in a million years!!!

I'm so glad Minny telling Celia seems to be making her stronger and I hope it does.

Do you think Celia and Skeeter will become friends since they are the town outcasts?
cjode Well, my wondering about Stuart and his true feelings about segregation was ended in the beginning of ch 20 when he told how he could not reunite with his fiance because of his dad.

Who in the world was the naked attacker? No mention of arrest or police report. Great illustration of Celia's character, though.

I think Celia has a...See More
Jun 15, 2009

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