Building Blocks
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    I am a second grade teacher, responsible for administering
    the ORF portion of Dibels. It bothers me that some seem to
    think this is the best thng since sliced bread! It bothers
    me when individual progress is not recognized because a
    student has not moved out of the intensive group...even
    though that stud...See More

    does anyone know how I could get information regarding
    training in Wisconsin for building blocks? Also, if this is
    not possible, will following the month by month book be the
    best route to go to create a building blocks classroom?
    view previous comments
    Laurie /blockquote>

    Hey! Loved the Month by month for kinder, but I do have a
    question. We are expected to start GR groups early on....The
    Month by Month doesn't address GR groups. Please let me know
    when you start this or do you?

    On 4/11/07, mcolella wrote:
    > When using Building Blocks, do you teach strictly with ...See More
    Jul 18, 2007
    kteacher271 /blockquote>

    I know you posted this awhile back, but I've been out of
    commission for awhile! BB doesn't include GR groups, and even in 4
    blocks, they are much different than F&P GR groups. However, I too
    am at a school where we are expected to do GR. I start pulling
    small groups of kids who need to work on the same s...See More
    Sep 7, 2007

    Ok, I think I am beginning to understand the functions in a
    Building Blocks classroom. I purchased the BB teacher's
    planning book. Does a typical day in a BB classroom pretty
    much follow this same schedule with the exception of
    specials being scheduled in various areas, i.e. gym, music,
    art etc? I guess I tho...See More
    view previous comments
    kteacher271 /blockquote>

    1. That depends on where the kids are. Sometimes we are working
    on a specific letter most of them need to work on. Sometimes we
    are working with their names. Sometimes, many letters together
    at one time. Sometimes word building/word families. It all
    depends on the group I have and what they need.
    2. I don...See More
    Sep 7, 2007
    Jacque/WA/K-1 /blockquote>

    On 7/18/07, LovinK wrote:
    > I saw your schedule and I have questions
    > 1. your Letter and Word Work time-15 min. What do you do
    > during this time?
    > 2. Do you have Science/Social STudies? or do you tie it in
    > with your Shared REading/Writing??
    > 3. Centers? Are they Dev. Centers o...See More
    Sep 16, 2007




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    I absolutely loved 4blocks when I taught 2nd and 3rd. I am
    now teaching K and I want to use Building Blocks as my
    framework. I have the books and think I can make it work.
    No letter of the week if the hardest for me. How do I
    view previous comments
    Laurie /blockquote>

    Yes, I did all of this whole group. I did my small groups during station
    rotation time. In all honesty...I pulled one kiddo at a time and did reading
    that way during stations. I got to about 6 kids a day this way. I read their
    little book with them with a teaching point and gave them a new book all in
    a few ...See More
    Sep 8, 2007
    Jacque/WA/K-1 /blockquote>

    On 7/05/07, LovinK wrote:
    > I absolutely loved 4blocks when I taught 2nd and 3rd. I am
    > now teaching K and I want to use Building Blocks as my
    > framework. I have the books and think I can make it work.
    > No letter of the week if the hardest for me. How do I
    > begin?

    I think you ...See More
    Sep 16, 2007

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