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I'm new to this forum so first off thank you! So I have a student in my group who I've been getting a lot of complaints of recently. I haven't spotted any icidents so far and want to know how I can confront him or if I should wait for evidence to come in.. the kid is 15
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Dr. Marvin Marshall On 10/02/15, Sheryl wrote: > Hey, > > I'm new to this forum so first off thank you! So I > have a student in my group who I've been getting a > lot of complaints of recently. I haven't spotted any > icidents so far and want to know how I can > confront him or if I should wait for evidence to > come in.. the kid is 15 ====== ...See More
Oct 2, 2015
jme Ask the students when and where this is taking place so you can just happen to be there to catch them. That way there is no he said-he said issue, and no retaliation against the victim for telling.
Oct 2, 2015
Jessie On 10/02/15, jme wrote: > Ask the students when and where this is taking place so you > can just happen to be there to catch them. That way there is > no he said-he said issue, and no retaliation against the victim > for telling.

Great idea!
Jan 25, 2016
Beth Blimling On 10/02/15, John Graden wrote: > Create an evidence log of each incident. Interview the kid > victims. Get the who what where when and how. Take > photographs of Any injuries. Just document everything and > build a case like a police officer does for an investigation. > > A great resource is antibullyplan.com. > > Good luck...See More
May 9, 2016
Dan Give me a break people. It's this garbage that makes real problems worse. Let's stop trying to play hero, and just teach.

n 5/09/16, Beth Blimling wrote: > On 10/02/15, John Graden wrote: >> Create an evidence log of each incident. Interview the kid >> victims. Get the who what where when and how. Take >> photographs o...See More
May 16, 2016

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