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I'm worried for my colleague. There is a child with mental health issues at the school who has developed an unhealthy obsession with her. She has done nothing to this child, but he blames everything bad in his life on her. EVERYTHING from another teacher reprimanding him to problems outside school. This child is very large and is no longer on any medication (he was when he was younger). She is constantly worried for her safety. She has been recording incidents as the teacher's union advised her, but the child's behavior is escalating and the school admin seems to have the attitude that she is just being a "silly woman". I have worked with the child and know that he is violent when off his meds and has easy access to hunting guns and knives. I've advised my colleague to go back to the teacher's union and talk to them again. She is worried about her principal mistreating her if he finds out she has done this. I try to support her by listening, but is there any other concrete advice I can...See More
Anne On 3/31/12, marg wrote: > I'm worried for my colleague. There is a child with mental > health issues at the school who has developed an unhealthy > obsession with her. She has done nothing to this child, but > he blames everything bad in his life on her. EVERYTHING > from another teacher reprimanding him to problems outside > scho...See More
Apr 30, 2012
Mr Miller Well if they are naughty all the time you will have to make sure they dont have play and then if they keep doning it tell the mom and dad and if your scared to come to college just tell your mum an d tell your mum to chat to the teachers about he/she is scared.(more coming)
May 28, 2012
Mr Miller This rather depends on whether your child is scared because they are going to school for the first time, or whether they have been attending for some time and only just become scared to go. In the first case, the key is to prepare the child as much as possible. Read them stories about children going to school on their first day, explain what school...See More
May 28, 2012

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