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I thought this would be the best forum for my issue. This is my 4th year. I absolutely love my job! The principal is awesome, the staff, etc. Well all except my grade level teachers. :( There is one teacher who takes the lead and has the dominant personality. She's been there the longest and always gets the special requests for students in her classroom. We work in a lower economic area so many of our students are on free or reduced lunches. Since my time there I have had numerous people tell me that she scouts out kids for her class every year, that she was a bully, and to never get on her bad side. (She's one of those ladies who knows EVERYONE." After my first year I had thought about leaving. It was not what I expected a team to be. We planned together it was more about gossip. She and another teacher are negative and talk about the children and parents they don't like. While being at the school for 3 years, I built my reputation as a caring and exciting teacher. Now there is a shif...See More

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