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Have you experienced bullying aimed at teacher by her/his students? It is accelerated when fellow teachers make comments like, "What do you think, you are in room XXX?" "This will work in room XXX, not in my classroom." and so on.

If you see a teacher being bullied, don't just walk away, help him/her with becoming a better classroom manager.
teachmo I think this boils down to "it takes a village". This not only applies to our students but also to our colleagues. It's not only the professional thing to do, but also the moral thing to do when you help a struggling colleague out. Helping them to become a better teacher and classroom manager will also help you too!
Jun 2, 2011
linda On 6/02/11, teachmo wrote: > I think this boils down to "it takes a village". This not only > applies to our students but also to our colleagues. It's not > only the professional thing to do, but also the moral thing to > do when you help a struggling colleague out. Helping them to > become a better teacher and classroom manager will...See More
Jun 2, 2011

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