Classroom Mgmt
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    I need some ideas to teach a young student who admits he "cannot control himself" and often touches, crowds, or even sits on other children. We have a behavior chart in our classroom, with lots of positive reinforcement and attention when he shows good choices and an emphasis on natural consequences. I also give him lots of sensory input (laying on...See More
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    Sara On 3/23/11, me wrote: Rome wasn't built in a day and it sounds like you're making progress with this child. You cannot cure his sensory input problems and your post isn't clear as to what's frustrating him - his behavior with other children or his sensory issues in general?

    I use a 'secret signal' with some students - we agree that when I ...See More
    Mar 27, 2011
    Prof. Howard Seeman On 3/23/11, me wrote: > I need some ideas to teach a young student who admits he > "cannot control himself" and often touches, crowds, or even > sits on other children. We have a behavior chart in our > classroom, with lots of positive reinforcement and > attention when he shows good choices and an emphasis on > natural consequenc...See More
    Apr 5, 2011
    I have found that the students will listen better if they are entertained and understand the reason for their lesson. Lately I have been going on [link removed].

    My name is Tiana and I am a secondary education student. My plan is to teach high school biology. I am hoping someone here can help me. I am currently taking a classroom management class and I have to interview a teacher about classroom management strategies. One of my son's teachers had agreed to do this but I have been trying to g...See More
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    Lynde I'd like to add my two cents here as well.

    1. Establishing classroom climate/control.

    I rely on a) walk the classroom--slowly, deliberately, firmly, with a pleasant smile, a word here a word there. The kids feel protected, cocooned, and definitely a position # 2 (I"M position #1). and b) I use humor with misbehavior. I do the "sha...See More
    Mar 31, 2011
    Ben It might be too late for your project, but I'll answer as best as I can:

    1. Before the 1st day, I get the kids' names and make a seating chart alphabetically. Then I tape name cards to all the desks. On the first day, all I have to do is say "seats are alphabetical" and the kids can find their assigned desk. On the first day of school, mos...See More
    May 16, 2011
    Hello Fellow Teachers,

    I am doing a research project about how teachers decide what type of classroom management techniques to use. Part of my research is also to find out if teachers think that their college education prepared them for dealing with classroom behaviors.

    I am posting a link to my anonymous survey (using Google-Doc...See More
    Delia Browning Thank you for your time but this survey is no longer available.

    On 3/26/11, Delia Browning wrote: > Hello Fellow Teachers, > > I am doing a research project about how teachers decide what > type of classroom management techniques to use. Part of my > research is also to find out if teachers think that their > college educ...See More
    Apr 23, 2011
    Many teachers assign a "Do Now" to start class, but unless teachers monitor students' progress on it, the "Do Now" is really the "Do Later" or "Do Never."
    JM On 3/28/11, David Ginsburg wrote: > Many teachers assign a "Do Now" to start class, but unless > teachers monitor students' progress on it, the "Do Now" is > really the "Do Later" or "Do Never."

    I loved the article you posted, and I agree. I try not to let my Do Nows last more than 2-3 minutes, and I circulate WHILE they are worki...See More
    May 1, 2011

    Many of us are aware that infants have the capacity to be independent beings, that have the ability to communicate effectively with others. As children grow, they learn more and develop at individual rates.

    I'm am doing some research around Piaget and Vygotsky theories and I am curious to know the different approaches you ...See More
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    Tom Kerry,

    Your posts are always so comprehensive and helpful.

    Thanks so much.


    On 4/17/11, Kerry in BC wrote: > Hi everyone, > > I first heard the term, "self-regulation" last spring as I was applying to > move to full day K. In my province FDK is a new initiative... to provide > a developmentally ...See More
    Apr 17, 2011
    Nicole I teach kindergarten special education, so my students are on a preschool level. I find that I need a balanced approach. They need to be nurtured at times, but need to be given the opportunity to grow and learn independently within their environment. On 3/30/11, Ren-Student wrote: > Hello, > > Many of us are aware that infants have the cap...See More
    May 22, 2011
    Hello, I am a student and learning about instructional practices. I was wondering if you could help me with some questions. Ive posted here before and have appreciated all the help recieved from the last questions I posted. Thank you and hope to read the answers soon. Can you give me some advice on how to focus students’ attention at the beginnin...See More
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    marjoryt Can you give me some advice on how to focus students’ -My syllabus includes a calendar showing what we'll be doing every day. I generally have a "today's menu" written on the board or showing via data projector - what I plan to accomplish. Students know that can ask for more items to be added; I decide if it's appropriate addition or small group ...See More
    Apr 7, 2011
    Esl Esl students will tune you out if they really can't understand anything, don't let this happen. Use lots of pictures, gestures, keep them involved by occasionaly asking them how do I say this in Spanish? Don't used idioms like "let the cat out of the bag", etc. and define more advanced words as you use them, or restate the sentence in a simpler way...See More
    Apr 19, 2011
    I move among classrooms, and my only storage facility is my rather small office. Since I don't work well in cluttered environments, every item is carefully weighed for its viability. Recently I got rid of the full size bookcase and have a former DVD cabinet taking up a portion of the space. Obviously there aren't as many books! A coworker asked me ...See More
    I had a principal reprimand me for a reward/incentive approach that was working well.

    What I would do is find at least one student per period (7th grade), and give them a little "Your son/daughter did well today" paper when someone did particularly well or tried extra hard that class period. I told them that if they took it home to have a ...See More
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    Tara We are taught to teach students to not only be their best academically, but to be successful individuals in society. I was always told that we are helping to shape these students into the adults they will one day be. Teaching students good behavior is important, just like teaching students their math facts are important. I am surprised that you wer...See More
    Jul 8, 2011
    Tara We are taught to teach students to not only be their best academically, but to be successful individuals in society. I was always told that we are helping to shape these students into the adults they will one day be. Teaching students good behavior is important, just like teaching students their math facts are important. I am surprised that you wer...See More
    Jul 8, 2011
    Hi, all!

    Well, it’s the last month of school for me and it seems as each year goes by, I seem to dislike this time of the school year more and more. I think the reason for this feeling is I see some kids start to “crash and burn”, both academically and behavior wise. Do you have any suggestions on how to combat this mentality?
    ...See More
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    Nicole I agree that you shouldn't have to entertain the students at the end of the school year, but it does end up that way. As others have said, this is the best time of the year for group work. It gets the students up and moving and lets them be social, which is what most of us like to do when the weather is beautiful. On 5/05/11, Daniel Hanson wrote: &...See More
    May 22, 2011
    GIna On 5/05/11, Daniel Hanson wrote: > Hi, all! > > Well, it’s the last month of school for me and it seems as > each year goes by, I seem to dislike this time of the school > year more and more. I think the reason for this feeling is I > see some kids start to “crash and burn”, both academically > and behavior wise. Do you ...See More
    May 22, 2011

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