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    Hi, everyone!

    Today in class the socializing was really getting to me with some of my Spanish II students. It seems like the mentality of some students is just to sit in class and socialize and not to care at all about learning the material or getting a good grade in the class. Not all my students, maybe not even half of them are like that...See More
    I am a second year teacher and on my yearly evaluation last school year my principal stated that I " foster a warm, friendly and safe learning environment". I also believe I have great classroom management as I am a strict teacher. I am not being arrogant, I know I still have much to learn. I do not feel the advice given to me by my administrators ...See More
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    nichole Sara, yes you did sum it up. After prayer I realized that I cannot prevent every little thing from happening in my classroom. I am bothered by the lack of support from my principal. I am currently teaching and looking at other schools near my home that have great reputations and not as many fights within the school. Funny last week one of my studen...See More
    Oct 4, 2011
    DL With everyone in the media blaming all of education's woes SOLELY on the teachers, I am not surprised that parents are reacting that way. It was sad that your principal chose to say what he said too.

    On 10/04/11, nichole wrote: > Sara, yes you did sum it up. After prayer I realized that I > cannot prevent every little thing from hap...See More
    Oct 8, 2011
    Thanks, Tom...and I will follow up with other teachers and students.
    Tom You're welcome, Nichole. If you want more feedback, consider putting your post on the main "Teacher Chatboard" -- that's extremely active and lots of people contribute.

    On 9/30/11, Nichole Cooper wrote: > Thanks, Tom...and I will follow up with other teachers and > students.
    Oct 1, 2011
    Last week I reported to my principal that as a sixth grade student was coming into the room he screamed ... "Don't hit me." This statement was directed at me. My principal told me to not worry about it and so I didn't. This week I kept the child for detention which he served in another room where I was not present. His mother called and reported th...See More
    DL If that initial report to the principal was in writing (an email), I think that may do you some good. Otherwise, you may have a fight on your hands if the mom gets the district or authorities involved in this false accusation.

    On 10/04/11, Sally Smith wrote: > Last week I reported to my principal that as a sixth grade > student was ...See More
    Oct 8, 2011
    Hello, everyone!

    I feel embarrassed admitting this, but several years of teacher, I still don¡¦t know when I should be letting students move around and when not to. I teach high school Spanish and my class does a lot of written work with the textbook. So, some students want to move around to work with others (their friends and buddies, s...See More
    Tom Daniel,

    Here are my two cents:

    *You are the one who decides who moves where and when.

    *I recommend you build reasons for moving INTO the lesson. Lots of ways to do this, including their rotating to work at different "stations" (which have different tasks).

    *Occasionally having them "move wherever you'd like as yo...See More
    Oct 10, 2011
    Sara On 10/08/11, Daniel Hanson wrote: > Hello, everyone!

    What works? Each class has its own personality as do each of the kids. I will tell some kids - 'no way can you work together, you won't work!'

    I do find it interesting in a high school Spanish class that they are working often from a textbook - do you allow them to speak in ...See More
    Oct 12, 2011
    One little boy in my classroom is a sweet kid but he often just drifts off into his own little world. He's not a kid who acts out or talks back usually but often he won't catch what's being taught even when I'm talking directly to him. Any ideas to help me?
    Sara On 10/20/11, Tracy wrote: > One little boy in my classroom is a sweet kid but he often > just drifts off into his own little world. He's not a kid > who acts out or talks back usually but often he won't catch > what's being taught even when I'm talking directly to him. > Any ideas to help me?

    What grade is this and has was h...See More
    Oct 21, 2011
    Linda Jordan On 10/20/11, Tracy wrote: > One little boy in my classroom is a sweet kid but he often > just drifts off into his own little world. He's not a kid > who acts out or talks back usually but often he won't catch > what's being taught even when I'm talking directly to him. > Any ideas to help me?

    I have two students in my lower ...See More
    Nov 26, 2011
    I have a student in my class who consistently looks at me with a blank stare rather than doing his work. I've tried one on one help with him but he still seems lost. Any tips or ideas for reigning him him in?
    Sara On 10/20/11, Ashley wrote: > I have a student in my class who consistently looks at me > with a blank stare rather than doing his work. I've tried > one on one help with him but he still seems lost. Any tips > or ideas for reigning him him in?

    Is this new to this year or does he have a history of it? That's an important first q...See More
    Oct 21, 2011

    I've been hired as maternity leave sub for a high school Spanish teacher. I have also been interviewed and will be considered for a permanent opening in the fall. That means that I will be on the new teacher observation list and I really need to show what "my classroom" would look like.

    The problem is that the teacher I will b...See More
    I had a student today who had been warned several times in days prior to put her cell phone away. Today she whipped it out to show pictures to students around her. I walked over and said "I will take that, please!" and she said very loudly "NO WAY!" She is very confrontational and insubordinate so instead of engaging her in a power struggle leading...See More
    Sara On 10/24/11, Charity wrote: > I had a student today who had been warned several times in > days prior to put her cell phone away. Today she whipped it > out to show pictures to students around her. I walked over > and said "I will take that, please!" and she said very > loudly "NO WAY!" She is very confrontational and > insubordin...See More
    Oct 25, 2011
    Quit second-guessing yourself Kid broke the cell phone rule, and she was openly defiant to boot. You can't have that nonsense in your class, and on top of copping an indefensible attitude with you, she was wasting all the other kids' class time.

    You did fine.

    If you have students chronically texting or playing with their cameras, call Mom or Dad and explain wh...See More
    Oct 26, 2011
    I have a funny way of controlling potty mouth in my classroom, and it works like a charm. At the beginning of each school year I tell each of my classes one of the most important rule of my classroom which is.. they are not allowed to ever use those nasty words which are the H word, S word, and the other S word. The students quickly and aloud try t...See More
    CA Teacher Sounds great, Shirley. Reminds me of what I do with high schoolers who (on rare occasions) might blurt the "F" word out. If I think that this is better defused than met head on, I'll sometimes say (with a twinkle and a smile), "No worries. I'm sure you spelled it with a 'ph'."

    On 11/05/11, Shirley wrote: > I have a funny way of controll...See More
    Nov 6, 2011
    Shirley I like your way as well! I work with high schoolers too, I'll use your line if I have a blurt out of that sort! > >> > > On 11/06/11, CA Teacher wrote: > Sounds great, Shirley. Reminds me of what I do with high > schoolers who (on rare occasions) might blurt the "F" word > out. If I think that this is better defused than me...See More
    Nov 6, 2011

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