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    My students have the same procedure every day: come into class, get out their notebooks, and do the assignment on the board. Usually it's questions in their text as that's something I don't have to explain or go over ahead of time. Yet EVERY DAY I'm still saying, "get out your notebooks and get to work."

    When the tardy bell rings, at leas...See More
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    Middle School Teacher I have one class out of four where the students still, at this late date in the year, do not follow the procedure. It is not all the students in the class, but many of them. I tried just waiting patiently and looking at the Do Now, then looking at the student. Other students would catch on and tell the off task student what I was waiting for. I als...See More
    May 25, 2012
    Life-loing learner As others have stated, what works for one teacher may or may not work for another due to the fact that we are all wonderfully different personalities with wonderfully different ideas of what classroom management is and how we go about establishing it in our classrooms and maintaining it once it is in place. I too have an opening assignment, which I...See More
    Jun 22, 2012
    You should be planning spring semester NOW! Begin with these items: 1) 2012 calendar 2) 2012 school calendar showing the holidays 3) are there school testing days or festivities to be added 4) major projects or school trips 5) personal days you'll have to be out (medical, business) 6) events that will take priority (around here it's Spring Fling) <...See More
    With tight budgets and employee cuts, it seems that our high school students are being left alone in the computer lab to complete online classwork. Is it legal to leave secondary students alone in a classroom? Where can I find guidance on this? Thank you!
    marjoryt Here's the legal description, which reflects what I learned during my grad school ed. leadership classes.

    From my own experience in the alternative school, we NEVER, EVER left students alone, and that included letting them go in a bathroom independently. That meant, yes, I went in the boys' bathroom with my high school boys. It was that o...See More
    Nov 30, 2011
    Hello, I have been a teacher for 10 years, but have recently moved down to a much lower grade than I have taught in the past. My students do not have the attention span that I am used to dealing with. As a result, I 'lose' them frequently. I KNOW it is MY fault. My kids are good kids, but I am getting frustrated with them because they just 'wander'...See More
    Sara On 12/01/11, Struggling wrote:

    Shorten the lessons. Find a different guide if you need to but clearly the teacher's guide you have isn't working for your students. Take a day - get a sub - and go and observe in a colleague's room - there's NO shame in that. You need to find your rhythm with your new age group and good help might be in the...See More
    Dec 3, 2011
    Nancy Berg On 12/01/11, Struggling wrote: > Hello, > I have been a teacher for 10 years, but have recently moved > down to a much lower grade than I have taught in the past. > My students do not have the attention span that I am used > to dealing with. As a result, I 'lose' them frequently. I > KNOW it is MY fault. My kids are good kids, but...See More
    Mar 8, 2012
    Hey, good to find somenoe who agrees with me. GMTA.
    I have a child in my class that does not listen at all. This child will not sit at carpet, gets in front of the other children so they can not see. The child wants to be chased around the classroom and will run when you are trying to get something away or talk. At center time the child does not stay at one center for longer than 5 minutes if that. ...See More
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    Leah Good advice. > Are the parents able to get the child to settle down at the dinner table? Does the child > hit, kick, scratch and bite at home?

    You need much more information about what happens at home. Who lives in her home? What negative behaviors does she exhibit there? What happens then? The following guidelines could be very help...See More
    Dec 23, 2011
    AM Sounds to me like a 3-4 year old who needs to be outside running and swinging and playing and developing as a 3-4 year old should. There is plenty of time to sit still.
    Dec 30, 2011
    Called "a must-read for every school teacher in America, and certainly for every coach" by Amazon reviewer Linda Hawley, Hazardous Choices tells the story of Darnell Jackson, a young African-American man living in a gang- infested area of Chicago. To save his life, he joins a gang and is forced to do things he abhors. When an opportunity to escape ...See More
    I started teaching a class of 12 girls in a juvenile detention facility almost a month ago. In retrospect, my classroom management has been poor. In addition to more structure, I need to give the students more interesting and challenging assignments. Otherwise, boredom sets in...and side-talk and so-on.

    On Monday (Jan 2nd), I plan on revie...See More
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    t Thank you so much for your prompt response!

    You were right about how they are savvy and have no patience for traditional teacher jargon. I have been serving the same population in a much different capacity for 4 years.

    I neglected to mention that the class is a certification prep course for MS Office and graphic design. Their last...See More
    Dec 28, 2011
    Sara On 12/28/11, t wrote: > Thank you so much for your prompt response!

    Well, I'm all for being somewhat deliberate at times. The idea that it's rude to talk when someone else is speaking is cultural and by no means a commonly understood custom or commonly accepted behavior.

    I would market such things to them as rather another cert...See More
    Dec 28, 2011
    I hope this gets to you all in time. I saw a post here somewhere from a teacher having difficulty dealing with behaviour/discipline problems and I believe in many cases it comes down to a lack of teacher confidence - confidence to take the action that will make a difference.

    In many schools teachers feel unable to make big decisions so the...See More
    Sara On 1/13/12, Rob wrote: > > I hope this gets to you all in time. I saw a post here > somewhere from a teacher having difficulty dealing with > behaviour/discipline problems and I believe in many cases it > comes down to a lack of teacher confidence - confidence to > take the action that will make a difference. > > In many sch...See More
    Jan 16, 2012
    Any good ideas on how to teach a lesson and manage a classroom properly while having the students use technology during the lesson(such as laptops, ipads, etc.)and have them avoid distractions like Facebook or games?
    kay Hi Melanie, Netop Vision Pro is a popular classroom management solution that might help you. Classroom management tools like Netop MyVision Free allow you to keep tabs on what students are doing on their computers remotely while subscription products offer more functionality. Vision Pro gives teacher high-speed screen sharing capabilities designed ...See More
    Feb 8, 2012
    Gail Melanie, I think that possibly giving limits or time if able to, we are going to do A B and C now and if there is time you can do ____ for fun. I think that school filters should have a lot of the sites blocked that may cause interfering behaviors. We are lucky enough in the program I work in, to be able to differentiate iPads for work and for rewa...See More
    Jun 2, 2012

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