Classroom Mgmt
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    Hello! I wondered if you had any tips/tricks for finding time to take a restroom break. I don't want to leave students unattended. So far, the only solution has been to limit fluid intake, but that makes me have headaches. It's not the end of the world, but it would be nice to be able to drink water throughout the day and not have to worry about wh...See More
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    whomever What grade level do you teach?

    If you have a door you can close and your students are moving from one classroom to the next, just tell your students to line up in the hallway and wait for you to get back. Go to the RR at the beginning of passing period and if you are a few seconds late getting back, I guarantee your students will understan...See More
    Sep 26, 2014
    S I have an agreement with a teacher next door. When I of us has to go, we tell the other by tapping on the wall. She will stand in the hallway where she can see both classrooms. It is usually only two minutes, but definitely worth it.

    Our principal has advised to call him when needed, but so far he has not been required in our classes. On ...See More
    Sep 26, 2014
    Researching about Classroom Management, I have found some statements where the phrase “no exceptions” is included, like “A consistent approach with no exceptions are your key to success in classroom management.” (Morisseau). Then, I ask, does treat students fairly mean treat all students equally? Can teachers really treat all students equal...See More
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    Kent This conversation brings to mind a situation I had in a CAD class several years ago. In my class when I am helping individual students, I will sometimes look at a drawing with a student and delete dimensions that are in the wrong location or are not necessary at all. Several years ago I did this with one of my students and he freaked out because I ...See More
    Sep 24, 2014
    Giovanna Doll Kent, thanks for sharing.

    As Grasha (2002) says “Because one-on-one interactions offer the opportunity for more tailored conversations about students’ gains and struggles with the course material, style differences are particularly important to notice and attend to.” We need to be aware of each student's learning preferences.
    ...See More
    Sep 25, 2014
    I teach at the college level, deliver technology trainings to K-12 teachers, and volunteer regularly as an assistant in elementary school math classes. I see similar classroom management issues in all three environments. The problem I have, is although the behaviors are similar, strategies to address the behaviors have to be different. My adult lea...See More
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    Josh H. Jen and Pam,

    I often find myself teaching workshops to professors and sometimes I think professors make the worst students. Sometimes they also make the best students. I think what you were talking about with managing expectations and setting rules is a good tip. I think you need to pick which rules you strictly follow and which you can le...See More
    Sep 24, 2014
    Jen C. Hi Josh, I like your idea for suggesting a talk after class. I usually try to politely remind them that there is a lot of information to cover in a short time frame so we need to move on. I agree that it hard because you don’t want to discourage someone who is eager to talk about the material but you also don’t want one person taking over the d...See More
    Sep 25, 2014
    I’m a first year teacher and I’m teaching English at a Catholic girls’ high school. Saturday was my first time supervising Saturday detention. It’s from 8 AM to 12 Noon and they get a bathroom/stretch break from 9:55 to 10:05. That’s the only time they are supposed to be out their seats for the whole 4 hours. I understand all that, but I ...See More
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    Giovanna Doll Hi Cat,

    When a student wants to get out of class, a bathroom break looks the ideal excuse for getting out. So, I understand school policies. It is part of classroom management, which depends upon our ability to avoid making big mistakes. However, it could be a big mistake if you misjudged and did not granted the permission to your student ...See More
    Sep 23, 2014
    Steph Schragen Your concern is admirable and your actions I'm sure were very appreciated by your student. I completely agree, if I were in your shoes I would have done the same thing. Yes she may have needed to "go #2" however, she is a young female student and could very well have gotten or had her period. I know this may be an uncomfortable discussion for you, ...See More
    Sep 24, 2014
    I am just starting to integrate ipads in the classroom. I'm looking for ways to implement so that students are actively involved in using the ipads for more than a gaming tablet. What are some management ideas for kids sharing ipads (I only have 6)? Also what are some ideas for managing and integrating ipads and laptops?
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    PamG There are a lot of technologies available for managing technology - if there are a lot of iPads at the school you might want to look at something like CasperSuite. It is good at tracking what students are working on, and keeping track of what is installed on the iPads and limiting what students can do on the iPads.

    One thought as to shari...See More
    Sep 24, 2014
    Steph Schragen Great suggestion. I have never heard of CasperSuite to this was very intriguing. I do not teach a class nor am big with technology. It actually blows my mind to see how much technology has advanced in the past couple years. And especially since I was in high school. We have very old very slow computers that we were only allowed to use when signed i...See More
    Sep 24, 2014
    Keeping track of assignments, teaching personal responsibility and intrinsic motivation are always a key component of a Middle School setting. I have found over the years that while I can work towards these goals with my students at school, it seems to be the parents who ultimately get in the way of any progress being made.

    I have always ...See More
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    Steph Schragen Great Job! I enjoyed your discussion. And I think that having the parents sign the syllabus at the beginning of the year is brilliant! This not only gets the parents more involved but assures that there is no miscommunication and that everyone is clear on the expectations that you hold for all the students. This eliminates the opportunity for the s...See More
    Sep 24, 2014
    Steph Schragen Great discussion and also a very great question. This actually reminded me of a post within this chat board by someone stating that in the beginning of the year they require the parents to read and sign their class syllabus, in which states all of your expectations, goals, guidelines, procedures, and how you will be grading and handling everything ...See More
    Sep 24, 2014
    Some of the most misunderstood aspects of introverted temperaments, and how teachers can help introverts succeed in the classroom.
    JenFnyc On 7/21/14, Teachers.Net Gazette wrote: > Some of the most misunderstood aspects of introverted > temperaments, and how teachers can help introverts succeed > in the classroom.


    As an extrovert surrounded by introverts during my day, I was pleased to see this article, and some of the practical information included, star...See More
    Sep 23, 2014
    Did anyone read this article? I teach high school kids and one of the things that bugs me most is high school kids askiing if they can go to the bathroom. I don't ask if I can go to the bathroom. I know when I have to go so I go when I need to. I ask them to tell me when they are going so I know where they have gone, but I don't need them to ask pe...See More
    Use these 10 tips to motivate your students, answer their questions about why school is important for them... why it matters to work hard, value education, and take school seriously.

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