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I am an administrator for our church website. When I go on it to work, after about 10 minutes either Safari or Firefox, whichever I'm using, freezes completely. I have to force quit and restart about every 10 minutes. In fact it isn't only that it freezes, the website plays havoc with my computer. I took two days to dump preferences, use disk utility, get mail back on line and it was working perfectly. Last night I went on the website, and instantly, the computer froze and I lost not only what I'd just posted but an entire page of other information!

I've done enough testing now to know this only happens on that website. First of all, is this even possible that a website can do such damage? I'm on websites all day and have never had anything like this. I post on chatboards with no difficulty; no problem with Facebook. If it is possible, then is there something I can do to fix this? I love working on the website but I can't continue this way. I wondered if this is a frequent en...See More
Ron It could be some Java script or something more malicious. View the source and see if you can locate anything suspcious...usually it is at the end of the code.
Oct 25, 2009
Jean Bullock What software program are you using when you are working on the website? Can other people view the website without problems? Does it happen when access the website normally just to view it through your browser. Which computer model are you using? How much ram? Are there 3rd party ads on the website?
Oct 28, 2009

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