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As a REPUBLICAN ANALYST pointed out on this morning on CNN "If Scott Walker gives in he's finished" Isn't that a fine position for a politician to hold? 60-70% of the state and nation feel he's in the wrong but "They both got elected" and so feels they doesn't have to listen to their citizens.

I hope that the Democratic Legislators stay out until we can at least see Walkers budget. It should have been released days ago. . . What is hidden in there?

The protests so far has been peaceful - the police side with those they were sworn to "serve and protect" God bless 'em.

Will Walker call out the Army or the Nat'l Guard to move these people out of their building thus precipitating, while denying responsibility for, violence? What if the Army and Nat'l Guard side with the citizens like their Egyptian brothers?

Who will blink then?

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