10 important reasons why it matters to work hard, value education, and take school seriously. Children who understand the many purposes of education will be more motivated to learn, more committed to their studies, more likely to persevere during challenging times, more willing to delay gratification, better able to find meaning in their work, and better able to connect today’s learning to tomorrow’s opportunities.
Click below to read the list of 10 reasons to work hard in school.
PattyMe being a new teacher in the public school system, this will help me out tremendously. I like my students to discuss what we are learning, this allows me to assess them and their understanding of the information. I have them in groups so that they also discuss amongst themselves.
Dr. Robert Rose, author of Abuses of Power in Education; Challenging Practically Everything (Outskirts Press, 2008), shares insight gained during his radio show dialogue with Dr.Howard Seeman, as they explored their belief in the importance of assertiveness in teachers.
I just finished reading Daniel Pink’s book "Drive" and walked away with many key thinking points to ponder and use as I continue to focus and refocus on my purpose and drive to be a better person and principal.
Let’s be honest with each other for a moment. Let’s take back all the fake smiles and friendly little emails. Let’s tell all the cute puppies to go home and cast aside all the colorful rainbows… Sometimes people just don’t care what you think.