Classroom Discipline
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    I need ideas on how to deal with an uncooperative four year old. When he is disapointed in something, he runs away and says he is mad and refuses to join the group. He gets upset when another child has a birthday, he yells when it is nap time, he throws toys when he doesn't get his way etc. His mom doesn't know how to deal with him.
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    WOW WOW! If you follow this advice you might want to warn the Kinder teacher that the child will need counseling by the time he gets to her.

    The other posters had better advice. jmo

    On 3/28/11, Sara wrote:

    > With some kids even kids this young I've asked, "Does this > work for you, John? Is it working for you? Does thi...See More
    Sep 20, 2011
    Hilary Mosher In my class, there are always at least two people at the beginning of each year who are trying to see what behaviors they can practice that will allow them to control their environment. They often do this by being oppositional and/or defiant, and mostly within the group setting. I explain to them why their cooperation is important and that I need t...See More
    Oct 17, 2011
    I just wanted to spread the word about a new free online website that has helped me with behavior. I have used it with my own child as well as students in the classroom.

    You can make online behavior/task charts for children that are tailored to individual needs.
    Tara [link removed]

    On 4/17/11, Tara wrote: > I just wanted to spread the word about a new free online > website that has helped me with behavior. I have used it > with my own child as well as students in the classroom. > > You can make online behavior/task charts for children that > are tailored to individual needs.
    Apr 17, 2011
    Hi, all!

    Well, it’s the last month of school for me and it seems as each year goes by, I seem to dislike this time of the school year more and more. I think the reason for this feeling is I see some kids start to “crash and burn”, both academically and behavior wise. Do you have any suggestions on how to combat this mentality?
    ...See More
    I know am venturing into unpopluar territory with my request. I am looking for specific consequences I can use in my classroom when students choose to break rules or exhibit just plain bad behavior. I am admittedly "old school," and still believe there should be consequences for our actions whether we are students in school or adults in the real wo...See More
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    Possible consequences I was just looking at an old copy of Assertive Discipline, and noticed a suggested set of consequences for grades 7-12: 1st offense - reminder 2nd offense - wait one minute after the bell 3rd offense - wait two minutes after the bell and complete behavior journal 4th offense - phone call to parent 5th offense - office referral

    I hope this ...See More
    May 20, 2011
    Teachermom You are not pre judging the school but trying to be a good teacher and look after yourself. I suggest, that you go to the school anannounced, observe some classes (if school is half-way decent, the adminstrators will allow you to observe the classes). Request to see the best managed and worse managed class. Ask what are the conseuences of behavior ...See More
    May 21, 2011
    A co-worker I team with has a great plan for our 9th grade Algebra students. The program is based on a point system. The student earns points for being positive towards others and answer questions in class by raising their hand. The students receive negative points if they break the rules or are just plan bad behavior. Once a week she gives out a c...See More
    Craig M. Levan Ed.D On 5/09/11, Anne wrote: > A co-worker I team with has a great plan for our 9th grade > Algebra students. The program is based on a point system. > The student earns points for being positive towards others > and answer questions in class by raising their hand. The > students receive negative points if they break the rules or > are...See More
    May 9, 2011
    This was a thread from the High School chatboard that I wanted to get your guys' feedback on as well. I teach in a public high school in California.

    As for calling parents during the middle of class, I know at least one teacher at my school that has done that. I did it a few times during my first years of teaching, but not much since then....See More
    Joe/HS/CT I have called parents during class before, but usually I bring the student to a nearby (empty) classroom or office and do it there. Most of my students with behavioral problems are in my class that I co-teach with a special education teacher, so it is not difficult for one of us to leave the room for a few minutes to do this. A lot of my parent com...See More
    May 21, 2011
    Ben If it works for you, fine, but I wouldn't do it myself, for several reasons.

    1. The parents would rightfuly be angry with me. She could say "my daughter disturbed your class? Well you disturbed my job!" I also feel that as soon as the parent is gone or off the phone, the kid will act up again. When the kids are in my class, it's my problem...See More
    May 24, 2011
    I teach at a public high school in California.)

    With regard to student swearing, I hear a LOT of it at my school. Out in the hallways everyday as I walk back and forth from the back of campus (where my classroom portable is) to the front of the school (where the office and the staff lounge are) and I hear it in my classroom as well.
    ...See More
    Stephen Marion Cursing in the classroom is a major problem. For a good part of my teaching career I have worked with kids who were labeled as severely emotionally disturbed. In some places it is referred to as Behaviorally Disabled or BD. These students have a tendency to come from some very rough environments. Street language is most prevelant. For them the scho...See More
    May 23, 2011
    Sara On 5/21/11, Daniel Hanson wrote:

    > . > > So, do you think I should be consistent next year and just start > writing referrals every time I hear a student swear in class?

    Do other teachers write referrals? The short of it is - whatever your school is doing isn't working because you say you hear frequent swearing in the...See More
    May 27, 2011
    The more I teach, the more I feel like in public education teachers have less and less rights. As teachers, we should give, but also receive respect from the students we serve. I was truly saddened by this story and could relate with the teacher in many ways (school districts automatically siding with students over their own employees, etc.).
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    Ben I saw this all over youtube.

    My Dad told me a story about when he was in high school in the 1960's. There was a teenager, a big kid, who shoved an elderly lunchroom attendent. The woman wasn't stupid; she knew she couldn't handle a boy who was a foot taller and 40lb heavier. So she called in Mr. Burns, the gym teacher, and he calmly took t...See More
    Sep 3, 2011
    c On 6/12/11, Ben wrote: > It didn't say exactly what provoked the kid, but teachers > need to be careful in this day and age not to provoke the > kids into getting angry.

    From my own experience, it takes absolutely nothing to get these kids angry. I asked a kid last hour to line up an it was enough to send him off the deep end. I...See More
    Sep 19, 2011
    how many teachers watch supernanny
    Jennifer I haven't seen that show in a long time, but I've watched it. Love her!

    On 6/17/11, Elizabeth wrote: > how many teachers watch supernanny
    Aug 29, 2011
    Hello all! Well I just finished my first year as a Kinder teacher and it was a somewhat crazy year. I like to think that my little experience is what led to this but apparently I did a great job according to my observations. Anyways I am trying really hard to have a smoother running classroom next year and I need some advice. My classroom was monit...See More
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    Stellaluna Sara has written an excellent response. Read it carefully.

    In my class the focus is on problem solving when faced with an issue. You didn't say what the misbehaviors were that you were trying to change. In my experience, kinders are impulsive and most of the time are not trying to misbehave. They are unable to see the consequences of their...See More
    Jun 25, 2011
    Leah Excellent suggestions Sara and Stellaluna!

    Other articles that may be of interest are: Rewards in the Classroom, Elementary Classroom Rules and Management, Love and Logic Basics, and Tattling Versus Reporting.

    Just click below and on the title of your choice.
    Jun 28, 2011

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