Classroom Discipline
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    I have been a high school teacher for 16 years. I don't know if I have regressed with my management or I am getting more sensitive. My issues are sometimes kids want to make noises in class like whistling, tapping pencils, making music with their hands on the desk. Sometimes I feel if I address every little noise, I am giving them the attention the...See More
    good luck On 11/04/12, Moose wrote: > I have been a high school teacher for 16 years. I don't > know if I have regressed with my management or I am getting > more sensitive. My issues are sometimes kids want to make > noises in class like whistling, tapping pencils, making > music with their hands on the desk. Sometimes I feel if I > addres...See More
    Nov 4, 2012
    I am a substitute teacher (many years experience) who is too nice. Some people just have a certain aura about them and command respect whether it's out of fear or whatever. Although the kids really seem to like me they don't listen to me. I come across qas too nice.....they are not afraid of me and don't respect me. I can't change my personality. W...See More
    Sara On 11/05/12, Substitute Teacher wrote:

    Practice making faces in the mirror - no kidding. Practice an angry face - you need to learn to fake anger that you're too nice to feel. With little ones, you need to fake a shocked face - little ones are usually quite easy to scare.

    For older ones when I sub - and I'm nice by nature too - I...See More
    Nov 5, 2012
    Substitute Teacher Thank you, Sara.

    On 11/05/12, Sara wrote: > On 11/05/12, Substitute Teacher wrote: > > Practice making faces in the mirror - no kidding. Practice an > angry face - you need to learn to fake anger that you're too > nice to feel. With little ones, you need to fake a shocked > face - little ones are usually quite easy to sca...See More
    Nov 9, 2012
    I am a SPED teacher of 5th grade students. Their disabilities are mostly learning disabilities with a couple being emotionally disturbed. My classroom started off with just two students, now it's grown to nine. Of course, when it's was just two everything was peaceful. Now, as more students have been added, the atmosphere of the room has changed. T...See More
    Vet Teacher On 12/11/12, Tracey wrote:

    Let's first say that in the army officers have their top sergeants and they work as a team. The sergeants have a special toughness. The officer gives the orders, the sergeants see that the order is carried out.

    Why can't the two of work like that? Your post is confusing in that you say you don't want he...See More
    Dec 12, 2012
    pixie Tracey, you keep talking about negative responses to the misbehavior, but what about creating more incentives and rewards for good behavior? This can be anything from praising them any time they are doing what they should be doing, to creating a formal reward system. Research shows that positive rewards are much more motivating than negative conseq...See More
    Dec 23, 2012
    Click below.
    lease read and share the very short piece linked below. It is just the beginning of an important discussion.

    We hope teachers here will share this and any other links to helpful resources related to educating boys in our society.
    Click below to read what teacher Joe Frisk has to say about successful classroom management.
    Tracey I think the nicer you are the more they take advantage.

    On 12/20/12, Teachers.Net Gazette wrote: > Click below to read what teacher Joe Frisk has to say about > successful classroom management.
    Jan 4, 2013
    Discipline vrs. Intelligence If, in your class, you have, or suspect, a student has a very high I.Q. it is urgent that you warn others, especially coaches or other “physical dominant” staff members that they MUST not use C.P. or physically threatening methods of discipline. The reaction by them is often unending fear of “educators”, hiding ...See More
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    Oh no no...are you that spanking perv? No way, not clicking your link, hope Bob reports you to the police.

    On 1/02/13, op wrote: >> Not clear why you're here lecturing people about >> something that happened before many of us were even >> born. >
    Jan 3, 2013
    Robert R.-IA Intelligence shouldn't be punished or ridiculed but nurtured and encouraged. It is unfortunate that some teachers are intimidated by the very thing they wish to inspire and develop.

    There is a pattern which exist, students with High IQ's and creativity do drop out of school at an alarming rate. Very few become Bill Gates.

    Mind yo...See More
    Feb 8, 2013

    "From the nationally publicized shootings, to the frequently occurring weapons and assault charges, to the widespread bullying epidemic, and vandalism, schools have angry, hostile, frustrated students who have vengeance and retaliation as their underlying motivation."

    Click below to read the rest.
    An issue has arisen just today at my daughter's high school and I wanted to get some opinions on it.

    It all started back before Christmas Vacation. Because of all the time they missed due to Hurricane Sandy, the school changed the last day of school before Christmas vacation to a full day when they usually only have half a day. A lot of g...See More
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    Sonia V. Sounds like a questionable practice to me. I am sure the principal is desparate for the names of the guilty students. At my school, the names would have surfaced really quick as there are posters around our school, that students may turn in names anyonmously to the resource officer at our school and receive a # for the tip and if found valid, they ...See More
    Jan 31, 2013
    Lisa E. On 1/02/13, Karen wrote: > An issue has arisen just today at my daughter's high > school and I wanted to get some opinions on it. > > It all started back before Christmas Vacation. Because > of all the time they missed due to Hurricane Sandy, the > school changed the last day of school before Christmas > vacation to a full day ...See More
    Feb 13, 2013
    Excerpt: On the outside looking in, the leaders of tomorrow have more tattoos, more piercings, play more violent video games, dress differently, and listen to music you and I don’t understand. This generation spends more time on Twitter and Facebook than it does interacting with family at dinner. It is because of this that many doubt our future. ...See More

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