Disruptive Students
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    We were fortunate that disrespectful students were a rarity. Ah! The good old days!

    Once we had a student come in from out of state from what he said was a tough school. The school had armed guards in the halls and needed them, we found out later for sure, so he was not exaggerating.

    In the 8th grade English class taught by a fabu...See More
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    judy5ca I'd love to understand more...

    On 6/29/11, judy5ca wrote: > Vet, I can't get over your plan and how wonderful your school > must have been. What a culture of responsibility! > > But I didn't understand the part about the principal. I don't > understand how he walked down the hall and efficiently took > care of the situati...See More
    Jul 1, 2011
    Almost impossible to find families this wonderful. nfm On 6/04/11, VET wrote: > We were fortunate that disrespectful students were a rarity. > Ah! The good old days! > > Once we had a student come in from out of state from what > he said was a tough school. The school had armed guards in > the halls and needed them, we found out later for sure, so > he was not exaggerating. > &g...See More
    Sep 15, 2011
    apologies if this is a long post.

    spending 6 years in a classroom for emotionally disturbed children years ago, did not prepare me for the child i had this year and will have again next year. she turned 4 in feb. she was premature, fetal alcohol syndrome, mild CP, and, as her parents are always quick to remind me, has an underdeveloped fro...See More
    I am an instructional assistant. I have never been offered any professional development classroom management even though I substitute and have three different classroom groups of students daily. Today I substituted in a sped class and repeatedly asked a student to be quiet, to stop chattering while others spoke and getting up at the wrong time. She...See More
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    Natalie It can be difficult to manage a classroom of students if you don't know what you are doing. Something that I find is always effective is using a mixture of negative AND positive reinforcement. If they're younger kids, things like a points system and sticker charts work well. For example, break kids up into "color" teams, such as blue, green, orange...See More
    Jul 20, 2011
    Christy Chan Then, the team with the most points at the end of the day gets >my student will soon do pair in to groups thanj

    a small reward - stickers, pencils, toys, whatever. I've even done where > the team with most points gets to line up for lunch or dismissal first. If > they are really restless, something I like to do is have a "brain br...See More
    Sep 23, 2011
    HELP! I have a child coming into my Kindergarten classroom next year with oppositional defiant disorder. I'm already having nightmares and missing my sweet, sweet class that just walked out the door. I'm particularly concerned about starting off the year right.
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    Early Birdy I like to invite spec. needs kids into my room. So I usually have at least one mainstreamed autistic kid. I also have ADHD kids in with the group. I love to use 1-2-3 Magic. There is a book called, "1-2-3 Magic for Teachers." It is just a simple technique where the teacher who observes a child doing something starts counting, "That's one." "That's ...See More
    Dec 18, 2011
    Leah You may find the following article helpful
    Mar 10, 2012
    This school sounds like an absolutely FABULOUS school! Of course I believe that the staff had to be "on board" with all of its policies, which is nearly impossible these days, it seems. I love that the students took such pride and ownership in their school. I wish that all students felt that way about their schools. It's something I talk with about...See More
    Disruptive students can be difficult to deal with. However, I have come up with a plan that seems to have worked this year. I have students pair up with another student. I make sure that the pairing is complementary for each student. Whenever a student decides to make a scene or disrupt the class-their partner works with that student (of course thi...See More
    check out this course for those having discipline issues - I am presently taking it and it is fantastic! [link removed]
    Called "a must-read for every school teacher in America, and certainly for every coach" by Amazon reviewer Linda Hawley, Hazardous Choices tells the story of Darnell Jackson, a young African-American man living in a gang- infested area of Chicago. To save his life, he joins a gang and is forced to do things he abhors. When an opportunity to escape ...See More
    Hi everyone, I keep thinking of this situation that happened before Winter break with a 4th grade girl. I am a sped teacher at this school and deal everyday with this child who is identified as learning disabled. Most of her issues appear to be related to ADD and behavior issues. Before winter break she was not getting her classwork, homework or an...See More
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    AM Imagine getting up every day and being disorganized, never meeting anyone's standard, never feeling quite right, nevr being able to remember what you were supposed to do, where things are, what the teacher said, wishing you could just be like the other kids, how do the other kids do it, why is it easy for them, I know I'm stupid, I can't do anythin...See More
    Feb 4, 2012
    Amber On 12/30/11, Kat_Kongh wrote: > Hi everyone, > I keep thinking of this situation that happened before > Winter break with a 4th grade girl. I am a sped teacher at > this school and deal everyday with this child who is > identified as learning disabled. Most of her issues appear > to be related to ADD and behavior issues. Before wi...See More
    Mar 24, 2012
    I teach 6 history classes a day, 10th grade. Each class has at LEAST one student with a behavior modification plan that allows the student "to leave the room as he/she feels is needed for cooling off purpose" without even notifying or requesting to leave - he/she can just get up and leave when she wants. Also, the student may not be corrected for a...See More

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