Disruptive Students
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I have a child in my class (10 years old, fifth grade) who is already giving me a run for my money on the 2nd day of school. It is all sorts of crazy - attention seeking behaviors (loud belching, making strange noises with her throat, shouting out, weird, random shout-outs when I am talking.) The kids are extremely put off by her, but they are also 5th graders, and, therefore, immature and laugh sometimes when she performs these odd antics. I know that adds fuel to the fire, so I let them know we don't laugh when people are inappropriate (they stop - I can tell that the rest of the class will come around). We worked on our class norms as a class, have been illustrating and spending time to get the students really invested in the 'raise responsibility' method of discipline (levels of behavior), and the class is really receptive. Except for this girl. After we got to the point where we had discussed the expectations for behavior and the consequences for misbehavior (and gone through all ...See More

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