Disruptive Students
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Oh gezz, I will try and be as short as possible, but I teach a high school class. It is my first year and the class is horrible. Students do not care if they are there, they curse at me, call me names and even sometimes verbally threaten me. I do send them away, but it doesn't seem like they are punished, as they are back the next day. One of the students has accused me of cursing at him and the rest of the class has sided with him. I was just put on suspended leave and just found out that I have to go to a hearing now and that my job (at another school) that I accepted might not take me now because of this! I am really destroyed by this incident. The principle seems to be taking the kids side for some reason. I am not sure what to do. Do I need legal representation for this hearing? Is this just procedure? I can't believe I am even in this situation. They seem to have thrown me in the worst class there is and let me fend for myself. The kicker is there is only 6 days of school leave. ...See More
JG That's an awful situation for you to have to deal with.

My first thought is that you are being placed in a dangerous work environment that can easily escalate to violence.

Can you seek help with the teachers union? Aren't they supposed to protect you?

I'd also seek out a real law enforcement based self defense program.
Jun 10, 2015
Jim Unfortunately this being my fist year I did not sign up for the teachers union, big mistake on my part! So they can not help me. So I had to seek outside legal help which now I have to pay for. This is getting out of hand. How can the word of students go against that of a teacher. They can say that I did pretty much anything and it gets believed. I...See More
Jun 11, 2015
JGib On 6/10/15, Jim wrote: > Oh gezz, I will try and be as short as possible, but I teach > a high school class. It is my first year and the class is > horrible. Students do not care if they are there, they > curse at me, call me names and even sometimes verbally > threaten me. I do send them away, but it doesn't seem like > they are...See More
Jun 12, 2015

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