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For my master program - I have to research different medias
for distant learning - so far I'm leaning towards
blackboard - any other suggestions?
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bernoulli /blockquote>

On 1/20/08, Terrie Watts wrote:
> For my master program - I have to research different medias
> for distant learning - so far I'm leaning towards
> blackboard - any other suggestions?

I used WebCT in some depth for until it merged with
Blackboard. I used to berate WebCT because it lacked intui...See More
Mar 1, 2008
bernoulli /blockquote>

I understand Bb 8.0 is about to be released. It has a
spreadsheet type gradebook, for one thing...which would be

Not sure what else it has, but I hope they make it more
intuitive and user friendly.

Anyone know anything about Version 8.0?
Apr 17, 2008
marjoryt My summer classes begin on Tuesday, and Bb just came back up, before the course is populated (probably on Sunday). The gradebook does look VERY different, even with no students in it yet.

The internal email feature in Bb is "messages".
May 23, 2008
bernoulli marjory,

Let me know what you think about it if you dig in. Internal email and the gradebook are particularly interesting.

Also, I hope they made a lot of fixes to the test tool. With WebCT, for example, if I made a mistake on the answer key I could correct it and it would regrade everyone's test to fix the score instantly. Not so...See More
May 25, 2008
marjoryt 1. This version of Bb does NOT interface well with Mozilla Firefox. I found that out when the gradebook didn't load properly. 2. WHERE DID THE OTHER PART OF THE GRADEBOOK GO? I want and need the ability to look at just one set of grades or just a particular student's set of grades just as much as the normal gradebook. IMHO, this is a MAJOR issue! 3...See More
Jun 1, 2008

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