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    Hi again,

    During student teaching, I had the mortifying experience of not knowing how to summarize and explain the literary texts I was presenting to a group of high school seniors. Although I knew what I was trying to say, my cooperating teacher had to help me break it down every time I got up to the podium. Now that I have my teaching l...See More
    Teri Basically, this is a learn-as-you-go type of thing. There are so many variables, namely your students! What this year's students may need spelled out in baby steps, next year's students may have no problem with.

    My best advice...first, look at the standards/skills you want to teach and dissect them to their smallest parts. Then, give a pr...See More
    Jun 10, 2012
    lostsubteacher We should have gone over this during student teaching, but I don't think my cooperating teacher was that interested in helping me. I never really got to the point where I could write really good lesson plans, and I think it's because I don't really know how to plan out a unit and make it into a monthly or weekly plan. What would you suggest? Are th...See More
    Jun 11, 2012
    A big thank you to all of you who downloaded my lessons ideas pack. This is just a quick note to say that (after many people asking me for one!!...) a second edition is now available should you want one - see teacheractivities.co.uk Many thanks again and wishing you a happy summer. Tolo
    Novel On 6/12/12, Tolo Taylor wrote: > A big thank you to all of you who downloaded my lessons > ideas pack. This is just a quick note to say that (after > many people asking me for one!!...) a second edition is now > available should you want one - see teacheractivities.co.uk > Many thanks again and wishing you a happy summer. Tolo
    ...See More
    Jun 21, 2012
    Ugh-My post disappeared...sorry for repost if it's out there

    Info needed please: I'm certified in h.s. English, ESL & Spanish, and I'm thinking about getting an MA in reading. I just don't know how I could apply this to a h.s. position.

    I'd like to make the transition from teaching middle school to h.s. reading/English. ...See More
    Teri There are high school reading teachers in Florida. Basically, we teach the students who fail the state test so that they can pass it the next time. All you need is an endorsement in reading-- 300 inservice credits.

    On 6/30/12, lola wrote: > Ugh-My post disappeared...sorry for repost if it's out > there > > Info needed please: I...See More
    Jun 30, 2012
    I am considering teaching either Stride Toward Freedom or Why We Can't Wait to 9th graders. My problem is I can't decide which one. Has anyone taught either or both of these? How did it go and which would you suggest?

    Thank You, Crystal Giles
    I have been assigned to teach a Creative Writing class for next school year. In our school, this is a class that students take for an easy 4th English credit to graduate. Generally, these are students who are not on the level of higher students who progress on to Senior English or College Prep classes so the curriculum needs to be basic to meet the...See More
    Novel On 7/04/12, Glory B. wrote: > I have been assigned to teach a Creative Writing class for > next school year. In our school, this is a class that > students take for an easy 4th English credit to graduate. > Generally, these are students who are not on the level of > higher students who progress on to Senior English or College > Pr...See More
    Jul 5, 2012
    Laurie I teach creative writing and have several ideas:

    1. poetry (I choose a concept or form --i.e. imagery, rhyme, sonnets, free verse, assonance/consonance/alliteration...you get the idea. I share a few poems that illustrate a good use of this device or form and then ask them to write one. This is a good unit because you can make it as long or...See More
    Jul 18, 2012
    After three athletes failed a six week period, my principal asked that I not put the pressure of a research paper on the students next year. He actually asked me if "any even does research papers anymore". So...does anyone still work through the research process - or am I "old school"?
    skylark2868 Oh, yes! We do research papers. At my school the students do one every year in high school. The 9th grade paper is not very long, but they learn how to do MLA. The paper has to be at least 6 pages. Every year they get longer. If the athletes can't keep up with their class work and play sports, then they probably shouldn't be playing sports. I think...See More
    Jul 16, 2012
    marjoryt 1. I assume these athletes want to play at the college level? If so, then they must take AND PASS Freshman Comp. I and II. The national standard is that a research paper be done in at least 1 of those courses. Many instructors, including my husband who teaches computer science, require short research papers of 2 - 5 pages as a major project grade. ...See More
    Jul 19, 2012
    Kirk Schiebold here. I'm a graduate student-teacher enrolled at Wayne State University. I need to interview two (English) teachers for my teaching methods class: analysis of middle and high school teaching.

    My project is due tomorrow.

    Can you answer my classroom management questions via email?
    I believe it's the fault of English teachers' way of teaching less v. fewer that is causing people to just use "less" all the time.

    Here is my reasoning:

    When I was in high school, English teachers seemed to make up their own definitions without regard to the dictionary. In the less v. fewer instance, they thought that saying one ...See More
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    retired I did not say that fewer and less were synonyms. I said amount and quantity are synonyms. Seven out of the first eleven online dictionaries here [link removed].

    My gripe is that English teachers have used two synonyms, amount and quantity, to try to tell the difference between less and fewer. The "count=fewer" thing is excellent, but recen...See More
    Aug 18, 2012
    Paula So...

    I'm not the *only* one who gets annoyed by the "20 items or less" lines out there?

    Aug 26, 2012
    I teach a course called Literature and Philosophy. It is a 9 week course for upper classman and to put it briefly, the course objectives are to read literature and discuss the different philosophical truths that are imparted via the text. Or, to learn philosophy through the pieces. I have structured the course into a few different parts: What is Ph...See More
    marjoryt lato's "Allegory of the Cave"? It's a best seller with my freshmen composition I college students, and it's available online for free. It's ancient. It relates to how much someone will suffer for truth and education - Socrates is in it. It is an example of Socratic discussion. It's philosophy. It has "allegory" in it - which means there are many di...See More
    Jul 19, 2012
    Sara On 7/18/12, Laurie wrote:

    Certainly all literature relates to these philosophical topics. For the meaning of life... Emily Dickinson's short poems are sadly useful. "Because I Could Not Stop For Death" would be particularly good.

    If they can stand it, Joyce Carol Oates' "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" has volumes to s...See More
    Jul 29, 2012
    I have been teaching 9th grade English several years now,but I would like to have my whole year planned out. Does anyone have any suggestions where I could get a year plan, website, ect..?

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