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Hello! I need some help! I am looking for a novel that focuses on a trial but would be appropriate for gifted 8th graders (all reading at a high school level). I am teaching a mock trials class and want to incorporate a novel. My first thought was To Kill a Mockingbird, but it isn't exactly what I want. Any help would be appreciated!
MO Teacher Froggybee,

Can't think of a novel that I know for a fact doesn't contain R-rated material, but you might look at Grisham's courtroom dramas more closely.

OR... read two plays: Twelve Angry Men and Inherit the Wind.

Best of luck.
Jul 28, 2011
Teri On 7/27/11, Froggybee wrote: > Hello! I need some help! I am looking for a novel that > focuses on a trial but would be appropriate for gifted 8th > graders (all reading at a high school level). I am teaching > a mock trials class and want to incorporate a novel. My > first thought was To Kill a Mockingbird, but it isn't > exactly...See More
Jul 28, 2011
Ken in Las Vegas On 7/27/11, Froggybee wrote: > Hello! I need some help! I am looking for a novel that > focuses on a trial but would be appropriate for gifted 8th > graders (all reading at a high school level). I am teaching > a mock trials class and want to incorporate a novel. My > first thought was To Kill a Mockingbird, but it isn't > exactly...See More
Jul 28, 2011
Mark One book that comes to mind is Monster, by Walter Dean Myers.

Another idea would be Twelve Angry Men -- though it doesn't have an actual trial scene.

But teachers have crafted "mock trial" lesson plans for many novels (and historical situations).
Jul 29, 2011
Mark My link in the prior email was garbled somehow. My intent was to link to a Google search for the phrase

[ site:lessonindex.com "mock trial" ]

which brings up links for a dozen novels.
Jul 29, 2011

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