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At my college, about 1/2 our students go into technical programs such as R.N. or surveying. These students take ONLY Comp. 1. The other 1/2 plan to transfer to universities; these students will take Comp. 2 and at least 1 literature course. Many universities are currently dropping the literature requirements in favor of technical writing or more courses in the major. Sometime in the 1990s, before I joined the staff, the English Department decided to beef up the English Comp. 1 and 2. The textbook for Comp. 1 is based on philosophy - Machiavelli, Freud, Jung, Gardner, Plato. It's incredibly hard reading for the students, but we help them with it, and students find they learn over the semester to deal with the text. We assign readings, give tests on the content, and of course give writing assignments based on the selections. The textbook for Comp. 2 is an anthology-based reader, focusing on fiction. We're expected to cover at least 2 plays, a novel, many short stories, and poetry. Essays...See More
Lit Teacher On 9/10/12, marjoryt wrote: I find Turn It In gives false positives. If students use a standard textbook to take quotes from, Turn It In deems them to have plagiarized. One of my advisees was accused of plagiarism - this is in Pennsylvania - and Turn It In said she had plagiarized from a high school student in Michigan.

Because both their ...See More
Sep 26, 2012
marjoryt I also have received false positives. I don't ever take a high score on face value - I always investigate. There have been several instances where I though content was probably lifted, but without proof positive - I let it slide with a warning.

I've had a student submit an essay for my class, that he had submitted for another instructor - ...See More
Sep 29, 2012
Muse I love turnitin! It is not just to help me- it is help the student. Most plagiarism is accidental, so the student can view his work before his final submission.

I tell the kids that the site will identify some incidences as plagiarized when they are not and provide examples of such instances. Unfortunately they have had a few teachers who...See More
Nov 3, 2012
Jauny Hi, I have a problem, I have a lot of work to do at university and I need to finish it all and I can't keep up with the time. Is there a website where you can buy an essay ?
May 10, 2022
Jauny Hi, I have a problem, I have a lot of work to do at university and I need to finish it all and I can't keep up with the time. Is there a website where you can buy an essay ?
May 10, 2022

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