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I just received a new student on Friday who does not speak English. I teach in a private school, we do not have an ESL program of any sort. I have no idea what I'm doing! I went and purchased several ESL books from the teacher store, and I think we'll muddle through in areas like Math and Science. I just don't know what to do when it's time for reading. My class will be starting The Mouse and the Motorcycle in two weeks. There is no way he will be able to read that! My principal didn't seem to think about any of this at all, but what is done is done. I thought about getting the book for him in Spanish, but then I realized I don't know how to assess his comprehension. I think panic is the best word for how I feel right now. So I'm asking the professionals! Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated.
Ruth What grade level do you teach?

One thing your student can do is create a dictionary for himself. I give my students multilingual picture cards of common items which are grouped in categories (food, clothing, etc.) and have them write the word in both languages and draw a small picture to go with each word. This is a great reference tool th...See More
Jan 25, 2010
Lpb You didn't say what size of school district you are in. If it is a bigger district, contact your district office and see if the district has a program. If so get in touch with them immediately. They may also have access to some supplies.

If you are in a really small school, find out from the principal who is going to be the designated ESL ...See More
Jan 28, 2010
pizwit Hope this link will help you out.
Feb 3, 2010
Sara He has - and you have - bigger issues right now than how to assess his comprehension. School is sometimes inexorable and can't stop or rethink itself for the student who really is the square peg in the round hole.

The logical first task for this student is to learn English. Everything else - if we're going about it intelligently - can and ...See More
Feb 3, 2010

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