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I'm an ESL teacher, and after many years of fighting the administrators in my school, I finally "surrendered" and I am currently "pushing in". I couldn't take the stress of being hated, so I have submitted to their whims. I figure the sooner I do this, the sooner they will see that THIS DOESN'T WORK!

I am in a "failing" school which is under restructuring. I guess this means that they'll eventually close the school down, rename it, and reopen it someday. Naturally, they tell me the ESL kids have brought test scores down. This is unbelievable. When my kids are eventually exited from ESL, they all do incredibly well. Too bad, under the NCLB, my non-speaking-English kids are still supposed to pass the test. This is such an unfair practice and I am still fighting the powers that be.

What really gets me is that these administrators have no clue as to what we do. They would rather believe that we are just wasting time with our students. Do they really think w...See More
East End Long Islander I realize you are just venting -- but three years is a long time to do something you hate that is making you crazy. Is there a chance you could find another position elsewhere? Our ESL program is huge -- we had to create bilingual classes because the population of Latinos grew in 5 years from 15% to more than 45% ... and what started as pull-out an...See More
Feb 2, 2010

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