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So I "pushed" into classrooms again today. Naturally, I didn't have a clue what was going on beforehand (and I still don't). In one of the classes, the teacher did some abstract talking about something or other, and then told the class to write an essay about whatever it was she talked about. I was lost. Imagine how the kids felt. It's okay though because everything in this reading program is timed to the minute. The kids wrote nothing, and thank God....the period was over. I'm sure tomorrow's lesson will be something totally different from todays. This is not education. This is a joke. The best part of today was that someone from the "restructuring" team was acting like a CIA agent....standing in the hall listening in on what was going on in the classrooms. LOL...I don't know who to feel more sorry for...the ESL teachers? or the classroom teachers??? lol... And don't forget the kids!

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