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I am K-4 ELL teacher. I love my job! However, I have been offered a position at the Middle School in my school district. I need to make a decision soon. Do I want to stay with the little ones or go teach ELL at the Middle School? To those of you who have done/do both, do you prefer middle school or elementary school? I would be pulling the students out in small groups, just as I do now, but what an age difference!!! I assume I would be teaching more grammar and writing... Would you be willing to compare the two for me?

Thanks Alexa

PS: Our district uses the pull-out method.
Chan What do you think about working with young teens? On 6/08/10, Alexa wrote: > Hello, > > I am K-4 ELL teacher. I love my job! However, I have been > offered a position at the Middle School in my school > district. I need to make a decision soon. Do I want to stay > with the little ones or go teach ELL at the Middle School? > To ...See More
Jun 9, 2010
t I've done both. Currently I do K-3, but I did middle school for several years before now. In most middle schools ESL would be an actual class period, so you do lesson plans, rubrics, homework, etc. all like a regular English class. In some places you ARE their English/Language Arts teacher, so you teach accordingly: literature, writing. I wouldn't ...See More
Jun 9, 2010
Mary I have taught K-5 and middle school and high school as an ELL teacher. I think I have trouble settling down! Right now I am at the middle school, 6-8. When I taught elementary it was only for one year. I knew early on that level wasn't for me. I think my best age is high school but I love the staff at the middle school. I think you need to look ins...See More
Jun 9, 2010

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