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I am hoping that I can receive help with an assignment in which I have to obtain answers from ESL teachers. I am taking my second class for ESL certification. I hope that you will be able to help me. If you can answer all of the questions, that would be great, otherwise even one or two would be a terrific help. I need this information within the next couple of days. If you would like, you can email me directly. Thank you in advance!

1. Briefly describe your responsibilities as an ESL teacher.

2. How do your responsibilities as an ESL teacher differ from that of a classroom teacher?

3. What do you do to bridge the relationship between home and school for your students?

4. How do you assist classroom teachers in helping them to work with ELLs in their classrooms?

5. How do you work with students from a range of cultural and linguistic backgrounds?

6. What are the advantages and disadvantages of push-in ESL program?

7. What ar...See More

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