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I am experienced upper grade level ELL teacher. This will be my second year with 2nd graders. My district has rigid curriculum and I'm fine w/ math, science. Language arts with ELL at this level is a challenge. I feel I still don't know well enough what to expect this grade level to do in terms of writing. I know what genres I need to teach, but many students are just beginning to learn to write. What are expectations for 2nd graders? Also, I know how to teach guided reading, etc. But I found so many students need to develop sight word vocab. Any suggestions on how best to help them with this. Also, they are required to go to centers. I worked hard on this last year, yet I feel that managing them is something I need to work on. Help! Any suggestions for how you handle homework with this grade level and good routines would be most appreciated.
cabybake I found the best way to supplement sight word vocabulary instruction is through a word wall. I used 5 words per week as my spelling words and did activities with the word wall all week. You should look up Patricia Cunningham for ideas. Actually, I like Cunningham's ideas for writing and reading as well. She's the creator of 4 Blocks. It's a great w...See More
Aug 7, 2010

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