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I've been teaching ESL to adults for a few years, but I got my Master's Degree in K-12. As a student teacher, I taught high school and kindergarten. Now, I'm considering taking a middle school teaching position, but since I have no experience with this age group, I have a lot of questions. I was wondering if any middle school teachers could tell me a little about what it's like teaching ESL to this age group. What are the advantages and disadvantages? Do you have any advice to those of us who are just starting out? Thanks for your help!
dede I have found that the longer the students stay in the program, the harder it is for them to exit. I like the age, pace, and I suppose the challenges and rewards when I see that they have succeeded all the test required of them at the end of the term.

On 8/24/10, new-ish teacher wrote: > I've been teaching ESL to adults for a few years,...See More
Aug 26, 2010

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