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I am a full-time ESL teacher in a small elementary school (k-4) servicing approx. 20 students. This is my fourth year and I've tried to provide instruction/support to my students both in push-in (i.e. glorified aide) and pull-out. For obvious reasons, I prefer pull-out as I can create my own content-based ESL lesson plans. However, I find the political dance of trying to convince classroom teachers the benefits of this instruction exhausting. Some teachers who are initially accepting may not be later on. I'm also finding many of my students are being held accountable for the work they've "missed" while they were working with me. I have very little administrative support, so that's not an option. My questions are; what works to convince teachers that ESL instruction is critical and how do you schedule it without penalizing students? I don't like the idea of them missing academic class time, but if the academics are going to be too difficult, or if they could continue to benefit from exp...See More
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Tara Hogue This is my first year doing ELL. I have a Bachelor's in Spanish and I teach Spanish. The school has about 15 ELL. I am available to pull them out only one period. How should I handle this? I am sending out forms for teachers to complete for the little kids, and forms for the olders to fill out. I see no point in meeting with an older kid all day if...See More
Sep 3, 2010
LBP I am sorry I don't have any advice for you. I am at the secondary level. Here every student has an individual schedule so ESL pullout can be easily built in.

Do you have a set time for your brand new beginningers? These are the easiest to convince teachers that they need to be pulled out. They are also the easiest to convince teachers tha...See More
Sep 3, 2010
Jenny Are you in an elementary school? Do you have state language assessment scores on the kids? Let me know and maybe I can give a little advice. :) Thanks, Jenny
Sep 4, 2010
Jenny I think your main goal might be to figure out how to get on the "good side" of the classroom teachers. Choose one teacher who you are comfortable with and get along with. Ask her (or him) what she wants in an ESL teacher. Ask her questions like How can I help your ESL kiddos? If I was able to make my schedule work so that I could be in your classro...See More
Sep 4, 2010
delightful4U2 Great response. Together all students achieve more!

On 9/04/10, Jenny wrote: > I think your main goal might be to figure out how to get on the > "good side" of the classroom teachers. Choose one teacher who > you are comfortable with and get along with. Ask her (or him) > what she wants in an ESL teacher. Ask her questions lik...See More
Sep 7, 2010

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