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Help! I just got a new student with 0 English skills and I have no materials for this student except for some old high point books. Does anyone have advice on what books to use with this student? Also, are there interactive websites that he can use to help him learn English? What software should I purchase? I was a Spanish teacher last year and was recently repositioned as an ESL teacher and although many concepts of teaching a second language are similiar, I need some help updating materials.

Thank you so much for your help!
Jenny How often do you have him during the day? Is he in mainstream core classes? You could start with the First 100 Sight Words (google them...there are a couple good websites with printouts, etc.) He can make flashcards of the first ten, teach him the pronunciation, write them 5x each, etc. is quite elementary, but depends on his age. The ...See More
Sep 16, 2010

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