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I am in my first year teaching ELL at a new district. I teach at 2 different schools. At each school, there is a student in kindergarten that is making very little progress. Each came to school with no apparent previous schooling and could not identify any letters or write their name. Both were born in the USA, but come from homes and neighborhoods that speak almost all Spanish. Now each still struggles quite a bit, though they can write their name, can say the alphabet in order, and count 1-10 in order. However, they know few colors, cannot identify many letters or numbers in isolation. Their speaking is pretty limited, though they can understand most verbal directions.

Now that it is January, should we be overly concerned that they can't name many of the letters and numbers 1-10 (out of order), know few letter sounds, and do not know all of the colors. Both classroom teachers are very concerned. I tell them to be patient and mention that it is not uncommon for kids like thi...See More
Jon Sorry for the spelling error in the word kindergarten in the title of my previous post. I was typing too fast!

On 1/04/11, Jon wrote: > I am in my first year teaching ELL at a new district. I > teach at 2 different schools. At each school, there is a > student in kindergarten that is making very little > progress. Each came to ...See More
Jan 4, 2011
Jenny Hi Jon - Are the kids being pulled from their kindergarten class when they would otherwise be getting basic number/letter teaching from their classroom teacher? Also, are they in half-day or full day kinder? Jenny
Jan 5, 2011
jag On 1/04/11, Jon wrote: > I am in my first year teaching ELL at a new district. I > teach at 2 different schools. At each school, there is a > student in kindergarten that is making very little > progress. Each came to school with no apparent previous > schooling and could not identify any letters or write their > name. Both were b...See More
Feb 19, 2011
jag I use Reading Mastery Signature K level-For students who have very little vocabulary, I use the language component that has built in assessments. When students have some basic vocabulary in English, I begin the reading component that teaches the sounds. The program is systematic and repeats skills so that students acquire language and sounds more s...See More
Feb 19, 2011

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