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Hi! I've been teaching ELL in my current school district for 14 years. My numbers go up and down but my current enrollment of ELLs is 14 students. We are located in a small town.

I accepted a job in the fall coordinating a program in a district 15 minutes away. This district has around 800 ELL students. They had a coordinator for a year and she ended up leaving mid year. I was told by someone else that she was very strong willed and told the teachers that they must always do what she said.

That being said, I'm looking for any advice. During the interview I asked what the teachers were looking for in a coordinator- they all looked at each other and someone said that they never asked them! Well, that's something I plan on asking right away as I get started. I'd like to be as much help to them as they need- there's a good mix of teachers with a lot of experience and those with just a little, so I'd like to meet them where they are comfortable and give them what they ne...See More
Jenny Hi there - I enjoyed reading your post. Is your job title going to be ELL Instructional Coach? Or are you just dealing with compliance things? How many schools will you be helping? We too have close to 800 ELL students in my district, and I went from being a coordinator in one building to the ELL Coach for the entire district. I'd love to share sto...See More
Jun 2, 2014
Hoopsielv Hi Jenny! It sounds like we have things in common! This district tested 893 students last year and there are 30 ELL teachers. My position involves supporting them, doing peer evaluation reviews, Title III grant work, arranging/leading staff development around ELL issues, and probably more as I go along. There are only 4 schools- an elementary, midd...See More
Jul 17, 2014

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