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Hi! I need someone interested in answering 10 questions about their experience with teaching with an ESL endorsement. Please respond to the following if you're interested!

1. What has been your biggest struggle and how did you go about it? 2.What techniques/approaches do you find most effective when teaching ESL students? 3. How do you collaborate with grade level teachers in servicing the needs of the ELLs? 4. How do you develop rubrics for assessing student work? 5. Which philosopher(s) has/have most influenced yous teaching of  ELLs? 6. Describe to me how your teaching has changed, or changes when working with ELL as opposed to monolingual speakers? 7. How do you get parents involved with school and their student's progress? How do you determine what a student will need? How do you perceive English Language Learners? Describe a writing assignment you would give to an ELL student.

john On 11/09/15, Kelly C. wrote: > Hi! > I need someone interested in answering 10 questions about > their experience with teaching with an ESL endorsement. > Please respond to the following if you're interested! > > 1. What has been your biggest struggle and how did you go > about it? > 2.What techniques/approaches do you find ...See More
Nov 22, 2015
john Kelly: Post your email address if you are still looking for answers... lots to share. 20 plus years in the biz from coast to coast and abroad. thanks john

On 11/09/15, Kelly C. wrote: > Hi! > I need someone interested in answering 10 questions about > their experience with teaching with an ESL endorsement. > Please respond to ...See More
Nov 22, 2015

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