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Dear Colleagues,

My name is Victor Santos and I am a PhD student in Applied Linguistics and Technology at Iowa State University.

I am currently working on a (soon-to-be) computer- adaptive test of productive and contextualized knowledge of English academic vocabulary, on an Aptis grant from the British Council. This test, whose main intended uses will be for self-assessment, ESL placement, and as a diagnostic, will be the first test of its kind in case its feasibility and validity is supported through this research. I am currently in the item calibration stage (pre-adaptive version), and am looking for non-native speakers of English who either already are or intend to be a student at an English- medium college/university. Previous students who have taken the test indicate they have benefited and learned substantially from taking the test.

Every test taker who completes the test will be placed in three drawings for $100 each ($300 total will be awarded for thi...See More

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