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    Dear Sue; I can assume from your post that you would prefer
    to fight terrorists here in the U.S., rather than in their
    back yard; or better yet, be sympathetic to their
    needs/desires and surrender our soverignty to them. You want
    to pretend 9/11, with the loss of over 3000 innocent lives,
    never happened....See More
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    Dean /blockquote>

    Hi Good to know:
    Saddam was indisputably a cruel dictator, but he is certainly not
    the only such despot in the world. How does this justify sending
    U.S. troops into Iraq to fight, die, and/or be maimed?

    On 11/10/05, Good to know wrote:
    > On 11/08/05, sue wrote:
    >> R...See More
    Nov 12, 2005
    sue /blockquote>

    Good to know,

    Okay, why Saddam when there are far worse in the world? And, who
    made the US the policeman of the world? And, have you made sure all
    your children have enlisted to back up your claims?

    On 11/10/05, Good to know wrote:
    > On 11/08/05, sue wrote:
    >> Robert,
    >> ...See More
    Nov 15, 2005

    I messed up on the last post. Are all schools in AZ, or the
    Oro Valley, Catalina area year round, or are there both that
    and traditional?

    Hello, I'm a semister away from my internship and I need
    help on one of my last projects for my last ED class. I
    need to get some opinions from current teachers on some
    questions my classroom came up with regarding No Child
    Left Behind. So if some of you would take a few seconds
    to help me out, that woul...See More

    Having taught for 38 years, 35 of those years in an urban
    school district, I will tell you that NCLB is the absolute
    worst law ever enacted. It punishes both teachers and
    students based on the results of a single score. It has
    taken the soul out of learning and teaching. With the focus
    on raisi...See More

    Dear Republicans/Conservatives,

    I have some questions for you, and I understand if you
    only want to answer some or none of them. Feel free to
    elaborate, or answer in any way you wish.

    I'm interested in how you came to be a conservative.

    Were you always a conservative, or did it happen ove...See More

    Dear teachers,

    Law Week is happening May 15 - 21 2005. There's lots of
    free events and interesting information sessions for
    everyone, particularly your students.

    Ring your local Court, visit your local LIAC library
    and/or visit the website on [link removed].

    Some events to take note o...See More

    Sixth-grader Savannah Walters of Tampa, Fla., has a plan.
    Her "Pump 'em Up!" website urges kids to bug their parents
    to check their tire pressure. Properly inflated tires on
    the nation's cars would save an estimated 4 million gallons
    of gasoline a day.
    Nathan Kempner /blockquote>

    Hey I'm Nathan Kempner I am one of Savannah! She is an awsome person. Who
    wants to help the enverment out so do I. But I cant because i live in sarasota not
    tampa but we use to go to the same school together! and another person who
    helps who is never assocatied is Claire!! w00t you are on this now are you
    ha...See More
    May 31, 2005

    Inventing Our Evolution
    We're almost able to build better human beings. But are we

    Washington Post
    Monday, May 16, 2005; Page A01

    The surge of innovation that has given the world everything
    from iPods to talking cars is now turning inward, to our
    own minds and bodies. In an adaptat...See More

    Senate Panel Votes to Boost Ethanol Mandate

    By Dan Morgan
    Washington Post Staff Writer
    Thursday, May 26, 2005; Page A08

    A Senate panel, responding to high gasoline prices and
    pressure from farm states, voted unanimously yesterday to
    require refiners and importers to more than double the use <...See More

    Jack Kinsella - Omega Letter Editor
    Fifteen consecutive polls conducted in France over the last
    three months indicate that the French may be about to
    scuttle their own brainchild.

    Historically, the French have only favored the idea of a
    united Europe as long as they could run it.

    The EU Con...See More
    view previous comments
    shawn /blockquote>

    [link removed]

    EU ignores constitution vote to launch anti-terror squad
    By Justin Stares and Patrick Hennessy
    (Filed: 18/06/2006)

    European leaders were accused of "cherry picking" from the
    moribund European Union constitution last night after
    agreeing to create a pan-European counter-terroris...See More
    Jun 18, 2006
    ME /blockquote> got some more religious propaganda?

    On 5/30/05, shawn wrote:
    > Jack Kinsella - Omega Letter Editor
    > Fifteen consecutive polls conducted in France over the
    > three months indicate that the French may be about to
    > scuttle their own brainchild.
    &g...See More
    Jul 17, 2006

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