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    OKCPS is refusing to release any teacher for the upcoming
    school year. District unethical and tricked many teachers
    into believing they were not on continuing contract. It
    sucks to work for people that you can't trust to do the
    right thing! OKC is no place to be!
    AP /blockquote>

    The Oklahoma City School District will abide by a state law -
    for the
    first time in recent years -- that bars teachers from
    accepting jobs
    elsewhere after signing a letter of intent with the
    Almost three dozen city educators have asked to be
    released from 2005-06
    contracts, but...See More
    Jun 14, 2005

    A bill just introduced in Congress would take away the
    right of cities and towns across the country to provide
    citizens with universal, low-cost Internet access.

    Giant cable and telephone companies don’t want any
    competition -- -- and forward this
    message to everyone you know, asking them to do th...See More

    Lower fuel costs, cleaner energy, more jobs.

    Publish Date: 6/12/2005
    Colo. is center of debate on energy
    Times-Call correspondent

    Joe Hanel
    The Daily Times-Call
    WASHINGTON — Colorado is drawing comparisons to Saudi
    Arabia these days.

    The Senate will begin debating an energy ...See More

    Hi everyone,

    I was wondering if anyone had any information about the new
    reading and and comprehension exam? Were to get study
    guides and all that.


    It is amazing to me that there is not a single post mention
    or discuss how to improve our education, or how to educate,
    this is, isn't it? I can see how the so-called
    teachers in this country lead our youngsters to.

    There is absolutely "no accountability" for any teacher
    anywhere. True...See More
    sue /blockquote>

    What do you suggest, Paul?
    I know we did a terrible job with George W., but his parents
    had so much influence in the private schools he attended we
    couldn't get our hooks into him.

    On 7/17/05, Paul wrote:
    > It is amazing to me that there is not a single post mention
    > or discuss how to imp...See More
    Jul 18, 2005

    What's up with having to recruit out of state in CA. I know
    hundreds of aspiring credentialed teachers willing to accept
    jobs right here, myself included. I've jumped all my hoops,
    hold a credential including a clad and have worked in a
    classroom as an aide, substitue and teacher. Moreno Valley
    hiring out of ...See More
    where /blockquote>

    what newspaper/where states CA is "out" of teachers? I tried 2
    yrs, 34 districts before I finally got one job offer! And in
    the 3rd worst district in the state! Now I have been laid off
    and pursuing the battle again. Fontana hired out of COUNTRY
    people. Riverside hires out of state and even has job fairs
    out ...See More
    Jul 26, 2005

    Lets have a National Day of protest. Tuesday Sept. 20th.
    No one buys gas that day.
    Randy /blockquote>

    On 8/13/05, Dan wrote:
    > Lets have a National Day of protest. Tuesday Sept. 20th.
    > No one buys gas that day.

    Yeah, that will kill the oil barons. They know we would have
    to prepare by filling up the day before or wait till the day
    after. A better method would be to stop buying anything
    beside...See More
    Aug 14, 2005
    JOHN CASSASE /blockquote>

    On 8/13/05, Dan wrote:
    > Lets have a National Day of protest. Tuesday Sept. 20th.
    > No one buys gas that day.

    gneral cry across America should be, "No way, we won't
    pay....NO WAY. WE WON'T PAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
    Sep 2, 2005

    I think that the reason we are so busy using up the oil is
    so that there won't be any left for the arabs. We will suck
    their oil dry, switch to alternative sources, and then they
    will have nothing to offer anyone.

    I'm looking for a fun way to teach Current Events in my
    sixth grade classroom. I want to have a "News Program"
    where each week a different group of children prepare the
    news to share with the class. Does anyone do anything like
    this in their classroom? If so, can you share some ideas
    of how to go about i...See More

    After Katrina Fiasco, Time For Bush To Go

    By Gordon Adams

    September 8, 2005 WASHINGTON - The disastrous federal
    response to Katrina exposes a record of incompetence,
    misjudgment and ideological blinders that should lead to
    serious doubts that the Bush administration should be
    allowed to c...See More
    Juan Oskar /blockquote>

    I'm not a fan of the federal government but when do
    teachers, citizens, mayors, governors, congressmen,
    senators, students, lawyers, or shoe shine boys take the
    blame for anything?

    "Disastrous federal response"...If your kid was in the
    national guard would you want the prez to run him into the
    ...See More
    Oct 28, 2007

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