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    To Dean,

    How much oil is in the Himalayas,? The Andes? The Alps?

    Oil comes from heating and compressing organic matter, so
    that igneous rock, which comprises a large part of the
    earth's substructure, does not produce it.

    However, we can and do grow organic matter that can be
    harvested ...See More

    Army shows off alternative energy options

    The Associated Press
    5/27/2004, 8:46 p.m. ET

    ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Hybrid tankers that can power an
    entire airfield. Electric chariots that can zip soldiers to
    their destinations. Fuel cell-powered all terrain vehicles
    tha...See More

    Hey Dan have you heard anything about a Broward FLA new hire
    teacher whose previous exp according to MSNBC was holding a
    pistol to the heads of "detainees" in FREE IRAQ? Can't
    find original citation.

    On 6/05/04, Dan wrote:
    > They get the elevator. We get the shaft.

    On 6/05/04, Dean wrote:
    > If you don’t have time to read the entire article, at
    > least look at the last paragraph in which this
    > Pennsylvania online paper quotes a Canadian transportation
    > analyst. (What is it with our neighbor to the north
    > recently? O Canada!)
    > If ...See More
    view previous comments
    Dean /blockquote>

    Hi again KD

    Your latest posting qualifies you for the obfuscation hall of
    fame. Congratulations.

    Care to explain to anyone still interested what relevance it has
    to my refutation of your “consumer power” assertion or to my
    original “provocative quote” posting?

    Yours in continu...See More
    Jun 6, 2004
    Dean /blockquote>

    Hi again Your Majesty Dan,

    I’ve been away for a few days, but I’m back and it feels great! Did
    you miss me?

    Well, I don’t think your posting answered my question, but that’s
    OK. We’ll let your statements stand for what they are and just move

    I had already come across the ...See More
    Jun 14, 2004

    On 6/06/04, Dan wrote:
    > Costs of Oil?

    Here's a little quiz for anyone who considers themselves
    up-to-speed on current energy extraction and use around the

    How much energy is stored in petroleum per gallon? (answer in
    kcal or joules)

    How much energy can be acquired per gall...See More
    view previous comments
    Sasha /blockquote>

    On 6/08/04, WD wrote:
    > On 6/06/04, Dan wrote:
    >> Costs of Oil?
    > Here's a little quiz for anyone who considers themselves
    > up-to-speed on current energy extraction and use around the
    > planet.
    > How much energy is stored in petroleum per gallon? (answer in
    >...See More
    Jan 18, 2008
    Ro Sakura128 07-06-2008 at 1:11 AM this REALLY WORKS! TRY IT OUT! 1. Say ur name 10x 2. Say ur mom's name 5x 3. Say ur crushes name 3x 4. then paste this to 4 other quizs, if you do this your crush will kiss you on the nearest friday! But if you read this and did not paste this, then you will have very bad luck.

    On 6/13/04, Dan wrote: > ...See More
    Nov 11, 2008

    While living on Guam I purchased a hug seascape signed by
    T Cruz. In my search, from North Texas, I learn that Tina
    Biersack could be the person who painted my prize. Please
    let me know one way or the other.

    Without commenting on the merits of the alliance's mission
    or approach, it is hard to miss that the "key partners"
    listed on the web site are decidedly left leaning in terms
    of political ideology. I would advocate a more balanced
    membership/partnership for such an endeavor.

    On 6/16/04, Dan wrote: ...See More
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    Kathleen /blockquote>

    On 7/18/04, Shelby wrote:
    > So since it was a "talking point" its not valid anymore? Is that like the
    > word :optimistic" Can't be used anymore?

    I was just pointing out that that charge in the republican talking points hasn't
    been used lately. The charge to be optimistic is stil...See More
    Jul 18, 2004
    Dean /blockquote>

    Hi King D.

    Your assertion that “Our entire energy policy is merely a plan to
    maximize oil company profits...short term gain and long term
    oblivion. “ is one of the most mean-spirited, unsubstantiated, and
    absurd statements that I have seen you make yet.

    Thoughtful people on both sides of t...See More
    Jul 18, 2004

    I agree the Columbia River is a wonderful source of power
    with their dams we have also made the Central Washington area
    a growing agricultural base.
    Too bad Senator Kerry and the Democrats want to tear down the
    dams here.

    On 6/17/04, Dan wrote:
    > February 16, 2003
    &...See More
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    Larry Robinson Hydrogen can be made at home. Anybody who says it can’t is either > a shill, an idiot or completely out of touch with reality and > technology. You can make it for free, at home, all day long and > all night long.

    It's not free. You have to pay the electric bill for ALL of the energy you put into the hydrogen. There is no energy...See More
    Aug 11, 2008
    Debunker On 11/23/07, Shelly CArson wrote:

    This article is so full of wishful thinking that it's hard to now where to start.

    Battery shills? Come on, battery research is hardly the kind of enterprise which attracts the get rich quick crowd.

    Remember, there are many electric vehicles and much experience. Forget Tesla, think golf...See More
    Aug 28, 2008

    Liberal media bias kicks into high gear: The Chairman of
    the U.N. Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission
    has sent a report to the Security Council documenting that
    before, during and after the war in Iraq, Saddam Hussein
    shipped weapons of mass destruction and medium-range <...See More
    view previous comments
    sue /blockquote>

    By the way, where is your evidence that the press is liberal?
    Almost every newspaper and radio and televison station is
    owned by Republicans who actively and financially support
    Republicans. Let's see you evidence

    On 6/17/04, Stan wrote:
    > Liberal media bias kicks into ...See More
    Feb 13, 2005
    Mama I love you but on this one HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHA /blockquote>

    On 2/09/05, Mama maria- they dont pass off lies and half truths
    as fact wrote:
    > the reason you dont see these things on real news stations
    > is that real news stations have standards, they dont pass
    > off outright lies and half truths as news.
    > in addition to haveing to ha...See More
    Feb 22, 2005

    Hi again King D.

    Why do you think that I would want to deny the linked
    article? It should be painfully obvious to you by now that
    I only deny your assertions when I know them to be wrong.
    I can’t tell whether you have me confused with someone else
    or whether your memory is faulty—you keep trying ...See More
    view previous comments
    Stan /blockquote>

    On 6/25/04, Dan wrote:
    > On 6/24/04, That's bunk wrote:
    >> On 6/24/04, Stan wrote:
    >>> On 6/24/04, Dan wrote:
    >>>> On 6/24/04, Dean wrote:
    >>>>> Hi again King D.
    >>>>> the cost of oil has not kept up with the
    >...See More
    Aug 18, 2004
    Eddie /blockquote>

    Just to be one person that posts a opinion on the
    technology. This is very interesting and actually feasable.
    I'm an engineer so don't be surprised my spelling is off and
    throwing childish critiques at me.

    But the article mentioned high temperature water and elevated
    pressures. I am wondering if thi...See More
    May 16, 2005

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