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On 6/05/04, Dean wrote:
> If you don’t have time to read the entire article, at
> least look at the last paragraph in which this
> Pennsylvania online paper quotes a Canadian transportation
> analyst. (What is it with our neighbor to the north
> recently? O Canada!)
> If consumers get the correct message, think how the
> marketplace might respond.

Consumers have power only in a free market. Oil is not a free
market. It is an oligopoly.

Meanwhile, we are in a war, where our govewrnment is
subsidizing the market makers.
Dean /blockquote>

Howdy King D.

Your pattern of reacting without first reflecting continues.

You have stated that “Consumers have power only in a free
market.” Think rationally about this statement for a moment
or two.

Given the significant layering of regulation, taxation, and
the like in the USA...See More
Jun 6, 2004
Dan /blockquote>

On 6/06/04, Dean wrote:
>> Given the significant layering of regulation, taxation, and
> the like in the USA’s economy, we have darn few truly free
> markets.

Enough said.

Overlay it with price fixing by the cartel, which violates
antitrust laws, and is used as a wedge polit...See More
Jun 6, 2004
Dean /blockquote>

Hi again KD

Your latest posting qualifies you for the obfuscation hall of
fame. Congratulations.

Care to explain to anyone still interested what relevance it has
to my refutation of your “consumer power” assertion or to my
original “provocative quote” posting?

Yours in continu...See More
Jun 6, 2004
Dean /blockquote>

Hi again Your Majesty Dan,

I’ve been away for a few days, but I’m back and it feels great! Did
you miss me?

Well, I don’t think your posting answered my question, but that’s
OK. We’ll let your statements stand for what they are and just move

I had already come across the ...See More
Jun 14, 2004

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