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I agree the Columbia River is a wonderful source of power
with their dams we have also made the Central Washington area
a growing agricultural base.
Too bad Senator Kerry and the Democrats want to tear down the
dams here.

On 6/17/04, Dan wrote:
> February 16, 2003
> Columbia's Power: The river contains the secret to drive a
> national energy revolution
> By Jack Robertson
> THE MIGHTY Columbia River's nighttime flow holds a
> remarkable secret. This secret can put the Northwest at the
> center of a global energy revolution, create thousands of
> new jobs and help end forever our dependence on Middle East
> oil.
> While you sleep, the power of the Columbia River can create
> a revolutionary new energy source - lighter than air,
> completely renewable, and yet with the highest energy
> content ...See More
view previous comments
Dan /blockquote>

On 6/21/04, D. Ogenes wrote:
> On 6/21/04, Dan wrote:
>> On 6/21/04, the sheep look up wrote:
>>> Sir, I think you have allowed Dan to upset and confuse you. Perhaps you should change your
>>> name to Dr. Non Sequitur. if you've been seeking the serenity that accompanies mindless...See More
Jun 23, 2004
Dean /blockquote>

Greetings again, King Dan!

Really Dan, in some ways I am flattered that you think so many postings under different names are
from me, but let me be blunt: When dealing with you, I have never felt it necessary to hide
behind differing pseudonyms. If I have something to communicate to you I have always in the...See More
Jun 23, 2004
Shelly CArson /blockquote>

Tens of millions of dollars are being spent by battery companies
in order to discredit hydrogen because hydrogen works better than
batteries. A large number of “pundits” who act
as “writers”, “bloggers”, “authors” and “non-profit evangelist
group founders” are actually supported by financ...See More
Nov 23, 2007
Larry Robinson Hydrogen can be made at home. Anybody who says it can’t is either > a shill, an idiot or completely out of touch with reality and > technology. You can make it for free, at home, all day long and > all night long.

It's not free. You have to pay the electric bill for ALL of the energy you put into the hydrogen. There is no energy...See More
Aug 11, 2008
Debunker On 11/23/07, Shelly CArson wrote:

This article is so full of wishful thinking that it's hard to now where to start.

Battery shills? Come on, battery research is hardly the kind of enterprise which attracts the get rich quick crowd.

Remember, there are many electric vehicles and much experience. Forget Tesla, think golf...See More
Aug 28, 2008

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