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Hi again King D.

Why do you think that I would want to deny the linked
article? It should be painfully obvious to you by now that
I only deny your assertions when I know them to be wrong.
I can’t tell whether you have me confused with someone else
or whether your memory is faulty—you keep trying to accuse
me of taking positions that I have never taken. As proof of
this, please see the below. It is a portion of one of my
previous postings to you.

"...please note that I have never asserted that oil or oil-
like substitutes/alternatives cannot be synthetically
produced. To the contrary, I have highlighted the
importance of developing such things. Again, just so that
you will know that I am not making this up, please review
the following narratives that I have again re-copied from
some of my earlier postings:
1) “I stated earlier…. in this string about the need for us
in the USA to m...See More
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Dean /blockquote>

Guten Tag King Dan!!

Wow. Your latest effort is rich Dan. You even used a couple of Latin
terms in the posting—an impressive attempt even if it was not a terribly
persuasive one.

Dan, I’m beginning to question your reading comprehension skills. In
our posting exchanges I have only denied yo...See More
Jun 27, 2004
Dan /blockquote>

On 6/27/04, Dean wrote:
> Guten Tag King Dan!!
> Wow. Your latest effort is rich Dan. You even used a couple of Latin
> terms in the posting—an impressive attempt even if it was not a terribly
> persuasive one.
> Dan, I’m beginning to question your reading comprehension...See More
Jun 27, 2004
Dean /blockquote>

Greetings King Dan!

I’ve been out of town without access to the World Wide Web. It is good to
be back and communicating with you again.

To start, I encourage you to look up the meaning of the word “epiphany”—it
is absurd to assert that my previous narrative constitutes such a thing.
...See More
Jul 16, 2004
Stan /blockquote>

On 6/25/04, Dan wrote:
> On 6/24/04, That's bunk wrote:
>> On 6/24/04, Stan wrote:
>>> On 6/24/04, Dan wrote:
>>>> On 6/24/04, Dean wrote:
>>>>> Hi again King D.
>>>>> the cost of oil has not kept up with the
>...See More
Aug 18, 2004
Eddie /blockquote>

Just to be one person that posts a opinion on the
technology. This is very interesting and actually feasable.
I'm an engineer so don't be surprised my spelling is off and
throwing childish critiques at me.

But the article mentioned high temperature water and elevated
pressures. I am wondering if thi...See More
May 16, 2005

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