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Hello, I'm a semister away from my internship and I need
help on one of my last projects for my last ED class. I
need to get some opinions from current teachers on some
questions my classroom came up with regarding No Child
Left Behind. So if some of you would take a few seconds
to help me out, that would be great.
1. Are children better off off under No Child Left Behind?
2. What do you think NCLB will do to teachers' wages and
educaton in the future?
3. After the year we are suppose to be at 100%, 2014, what
will schools in America look like?
4. To what extent do you guys think teachers have been
teaching to or cheating for their state's standardized
5. What do you think will happen to teachers terminated
under faculity replacement provisions for corrective
6. Does anybody have a postive thing to say about NCLB?

I would appreciate any help that can be provided. Thanks <...See More

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