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Having taught for 38 years, 35 of those years in an urban
school district, I will tell you that NCLB is the absolute
worst law ever enacted. It punishes both teachers and
students based on the results of a single score. It has
taken the soul out of learning and teaching. With the focus
on raising test scores, we are failing to recognize
students as individual with unique talents and capabilities
and to build on those qualities. Children are not
receptacles to be filled with test facts. NCLB has eclipsed
what I consider a sound teaching philosopy: to question and
to distinguish among and between the concepts of education,
information and knowledge. No Child Left Behind is a
travesty. The method to this madness is to liquidate public
schools and replace them with private schools.
All teachers should be outraged that the president,
governors, legislators, those furthest removed from the
daily...See More

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