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Dear Republicans/Conservatives,

I have some questions for you, and I understand if you
only want to answer some or none of them. Feel free to
elaborate, or answer in any way you wish.

I'm interested in how you came to be a conservative.

Were you always a conservative, or did it happen over a
specific period of time?

Was there a life-changing or major event that brought it

Do you get most of your news from the mainstream media
(CNN, ABC, FOX, NBC, etc.) ?

Do you get your news from some smaller outlets, "niche"
sources, or alternative news sources? (I'm not sure what
they are called) like Rush Limbaugh, FOX's Hannity and
Coombs, the Talon that made the news recently?

Were you a long time Republican? (I mean way back - like
before Reagan)

Would you consider yourself a practicing Christian?

Do you trust President Bush?

Thanks for your...See More

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