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Inventing Our Evolution
We're almost able to build better human beings. But are we

Washington Post
Monday, May 16, 2005; Page A01

The surge of innovation that has given the world everything
from iPods to talking cars is now turning inward, to our
own minds and bodies. In an adaptation from his new book,
Washington Post staff writer Joel Garreau looks at the
impact of the new technology.

Some changes in what it means to be human:

· Matthew Nagel, 25, can move objects with his thoughts.
The paralyzed former high school football star, whose
spinal cord was severed in a stabbing incident, has a jack
coming out of the right side of his skull. Sensors in his
brain can read his neurons as they fire. These are
connected via computer to a robotic hand. When he thinks
about moving his hand, the artificial thumb and forefinger
open and close. Researchers hope this technology ...See More

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