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Publish Date: 6/12/2005
Colo. is center of debate on energy
Times-Call correspondent

Joe Hanel
The Daily Times-Call
WASHINGTON — Colorado is drawing comparisons to Saudi
Arabia these days.

The Senate will begin debating an energy bill this week,
and senators are eager to find a way to break America’s
dependence on Saudi Arabia, which owns a quarter of the
world’s oil reserves.

Many of them are hoping to find answers in Colorado.

The United States doesn’t have nearly enough of its own
oil, so senators are considering a mix of ideas, from
squeezing oil out of rocks to turning farmers’ crops into
diesel fuel to coal-fired electrical plants.

Most money in the energy bill, which has cleared the House
of Representatives, goes toward subsidizing oil and gas
drillers, but Sen. Ken Salazar, D-Colo., has focused...See More

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