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Lets have a National Day of protest. Tuesday Sept. 20th.
No one buys gas that day.
Randy /blockquote>

On 8/13/05, Dan wrote:
> Lets have a National Day of protest. Tuesday Sept. 20th.
> No one buys gas that day.

Yeah, that will kill the oil barons. They know we would have
to prepare by filling up the day before or wait till the day
after. A better method would be to stop buying anything
beside...See More
Aug 14, 2005
JOHN CASSASE /blockquote>

On 8/13/05, Dan wrote:
> Lets have a National Day of protest. Tuesday Sept. 20th.
> No one buys gas that day.

gneral cry across America should be, "No way, we won't
pay....NO WAY. WE WON'T PAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Sep 2, 2005

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