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After Katrina Fiasco, Time For Bush To Go

By Gordon Adams

September 8, 2005 WASHINGTON - The disastrous federal
response to Katrina exposes a record of incompetence,
misjudgment and ideological blinders that should lead to
serious doubts that the Bush administration should be
allowed to continue in office.

When taxpayers have raised, borrowed and spent $40 billion
to $50 billion a year for the past four years for homeland
security but the officials at the Federal Emergency
Management Agency cannot find their own hands in broad
daylight for four days while New Orleans and the
Mississippi Gulf Coast swelter, drown and die, it is time
for them to go.

When funding for water works and levees in the gulf region
is repeatedly cut by an administration that seems
determined to undermine the public responsibility for
infrastructure in America, despite clear warnings that the
i...See More
Juan Oskar /blockquote>

I'm not a fan of the federal government but when do
teachers, citizens, mayors, governors, congressmen,
senators, students, lawyers, or shoe shine boys take the
blame for anything?

"Disastrous federal response"...If your kid was in the
national guard would you want the prez to run him into the
...See More
Oct 28, 2007

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