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Austin, Texas Public Schools are in trouble, students
have taken over the schools and run roughshod over teachers
and especially substitutes while administrators try to blame

In the public schools in Austin, Texas. A Substitute teacher
tells his students he if from NYC. A student responds "there
area lotta fags there" Students laugh and start yelling fag,
At another Austin ISD High School a note is distributed by
the principal telling students another student has brought a
gun to school. A scene that is becoming all too familiar at
Austin Independent School District.

In Public Schools in Austin, Texas students are out of
control, they cuss, they insult teachers, they carry
weapons, wear gang colors, teachers and substitute teachers
are verbally abused, they are told to mind their own
business,students come into the class room and get on
Internet sites that are supposed to be blocked, students<...See More

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