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Democrats now in control so will this change the focus of
public education with two years to go before Bush is gone?
lol /blockquote>

On 11/07/06, Dems Bring it home! wrote:
> Democrats now in control so will this change the focus of
> public education with two years to go before Bush is gone?

No. The direction of public education was decided in
conjunction with democrats. heck, even H. Clinton was part of
an organization which...See More
Nov 8, 2006
Indie /blockquote>

I was really sick of all this pro-polititian crap. Illegal
contributions, lobby, hawks, and perverts.

I'm sure the population America has a line drawn between
who are Republican and Democrat but I think polititans are
all are working with each other in a giant "wink fest".
Payola, tradeoffs, earmark...See More
Nov 8, 2006

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